All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See links below to join us in the Sanctuary
*New Program Join us at 9:30 am ET/ 7:30 am MT for the debut of “Prayer Circle” with Revs. Jane Sobel & Melody Brauninger
Join us for the brand new program, “Prayer Circle” with Revs. Jane Sobel & Melody Brauninger debuting today at 9:30am ET/7:30am MT. This program will be in the Sanctuary every other Sunday, from 9:30 -10 am/7:30-8 am MT.
Jane and/or Melody will share a reading about prayer from different non-dual points of view or personal insight. Time will be given for participants to offer their prayer verbally to the group; a time for those wishing to offer their prayer in silence; and then time for everyone to be with all prayers as we sit in a virtual prayer circle.
Every other Sunday, 9:30-10:00am ET / 7:30-8:00am MT
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Join us at 10:15 am ET/ 8:15 am MT
for Our Weekly Gathering with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Topic: “Reality, Beyond Thought“
Description: Rev. Regina Dawn Akers will lead us to look at the difference between thought, which we subconsciously mistake for reality, and reality, which is present and actual.
Reading: Lin Castaldo will read from NTI Mark, Chapter 13 and the Tao Te Ching, Chapter 80.
*Weekly gathering is held every Sunday morning at 10:15 am ET/8:15 am MT in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Join us after the Gathering for our Fellowship Time, hosted by Rev. George Maddox.
Join us at 12:00 pm ET/ 10:00 am MT for “Learning Mudras Together” with Tina Brown
Join Tina Brown for her new program, Learning Mudras Together. It debuts today at 12:00pm ET/10:00am MT. This program will be in the Sanctuary weekly on Sundays, from 12:00 pm -12:30 pm ET/10:00 am-10:30 am MT.
Let’s join together and share the practice of Hand Mudras!
Have you ever wondered about Mudras? Mudras are symbolic hand gestures used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other spiritual practices. They are believed to direct the flow of energy (prana) in the body and promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
If you are curious, join us on Sundays between 12:00 pm -12:30 pm ET/10:00 am-10:30 am MT to learn, practice, and discuss the Mudras of the week. This will give everyone the opportunity to have a direct experience and share with the group the feelings they evoke.
Join us at 12:30 pm ET/ 10:30 am MT for “Transcending the Addiction to Mind” with Rev. David Hemphill
David invites us to explore the belief in separation through the lens of addiction to the mind! On this journey we will explore many topics such as:
What does it really mean to have spiritual awakening as part of my path?
What is my unique path?
Why do parts of my path feel uncomfortable?
How do I navigate the uncomfortable parts?
Where is the inherent bliss and joy on my path that spiritual awakening says is there? How do I access it now?
Why does my bliss come and go? Why do the bad parts always come back?
How do I get “unstuck” if I’ve been on this path many years and yet still have the same issues I’ve always had?
What is “Self-will” and why do I need to pay attention to it in order to get unstuck?
What is the nature of “desire” and “aversion,” and how are they related to stuckness?
Once I understand everything, or if I already understand everything, how do I actually make the realization happen?
What are paradoxes and how should I react when I find one?
What specifically is it that will permanently lead to spiritual awakening? How do I cultivate this?
If any of these questions resonate with you or spark your curiosity, David would love to see you there!
Join us at 1:30 pm ET/ 11:30 am MT for “Freedom Practice Sangha” with Rev. Melody Brauninger
This will be a time of sharing our inquiries, insights, and challenges, listening to others, or just knowing that we are in community as we find that undefended place within ourselves that longs to be free.
Join us at 5:00 pm ET/ 3:00 pm MT for “The Mighty Companions Hour – The Voice That likes You” with Rev. Yolanda Mapes
Join Rev. Yolanda as she continues to share her beautiful voice and heart during The Mighty Companions Hour. This is a program she and her late, beloved husband, Rev. Glen Ganaway began in 2020.
Rev. Yolanda Mapes, who is an interfaith minister, shares a delightful, funny, and inspiring hour of A Course in Miracles. Come join in on the fun, the laughs, and the music while unlearning the ego through the lessons and chapters of ACIM.
You can discover more about the Mighty Companions on this website: Also, Rev. Yolanda has a site where you can purchase her beautiful, spiritually uplifting music: If you feel to contribute to her ministry, you can do so here:
*Cancelled today* Join us at 6:00 pm ET/ 4:00 pm MT for “Deepening Into Clarifying the Teachings Together” with Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
During this program, we will listen to a portion of each previously recorded “Clarifying the Teachings” program. Afterward, we will spend time contemplating and teaching ourselves what is most alive for us at the moment. We may also spend time practicing what Regina is teaching. And…we will start at the very beginning.
Bring your journals, openness, and curiosity as we explore what is most alive in us and ready to be seen. We hope you feel inspired to join.
Join us at 7:00 pm ET/ 5:00 pm MT for “Resting in Our Immaculate Nature” with Jill Grace & Joy Bedford
Jill and Joy invite us to gently rest and welcome our immaculate nature into full awareness. As we rest into our natural state, we relax beyond fear—letting go of the energy, beliefs, and egoic desires that contribute to suffering. Together, as a sangha, we cultivate a deepened recognition of our True nature, allowing the energy tied to false beliefs about ourselves to return to its natural state of Pure Divine Light.
Gathering as a sangha heightens our ability to detect obstacles–blocks to our immaculate nature…dense, lower frequency Light–so that these aspects of our being that we made up are welcomed into awareness, hastening their return to the original state as Pure Divine Light. As a sangha, we will use practical examples from our lives. Notably, resting in our True, immaculate nature supports noticing how the false identity that isn’t really what we are, enjoys, even wants!… to believe limiting beliefs (the false/unreal) until we realize what we actually are, immaculate, unaffected Divine Spirit. Join us as we put obstacles on the altar of Truth and free light that has been blocking our palpable awareness of Divine Love. Pointings from The Way of Mastery, ACIM, NTI and more will be used
*New Program Join us at 8:00 pm ET/ 6:00 pm MT for the debut of “Monthly Spotlight” featuring Lynne Harley
We warmly invite you to join us for this month’s Monthly Spotlight, featuring Lynne Harley.
Monthly Spotlight is a special 30-minute program held on the second Sunday of each month, celebrating the unique journeys of our community members.
Here is some information about Lynne:
Lynne Harley is a Life Coach, Author and a passionate Mental Health Advocate and Speaker. She currently resides in rural Saskatchewan. Her life work, spanning 40 years in the field of social work and transformation, has been to empower individuals to believe in themselves and their potential.
Lynne’s award-winning children book, “What If You Could?” was inspired by her work, her own personal journey and the profound impact of her brother Craig’s death by suicide in 2017.
Her inspirational tale resonates with readers of all ages, highlighting the importance of bringing awareness to the self-talk that we hear, as we prepare to leave our comfort zone to spread our wings and fly… A message Lynne shares with readers of ALL ages. Everyone, from children to seniors, must navigate change. This book speaks to the power of listening deeply to our inner wisdom, the voice of love that guides us to evolve and live into our potential.
Lynne is currently finalizing the manuscript for the sequel to What If you Could? Her upcoming book titled “Just Do It Afraid” is a celebration of nature, bravery, and the transformative power of choosing love over fear.
For more information about Lynne, please visit her website:
This program is available every 2nd Sunday of the month, 8:00pm-8:30 pm ET/6:00-6:30 pm MT in the Awakening Together Zoom Sanctuary.
If you are interested in participating in the monthly spotlight please contact us here.
The Sanctuary will close at 8:30 pm ET
Enter the Sanctuary or see the complete listing of speakers.
All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See helpful links below.
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