Click the link below to read the minutes from this meeting.
(To learn more about the Member Board of Trustees, click here.)
This Sunday in the Sanctuary ~ July 14, 2024
All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See links below to join us in the Sanctuary
Join us at 9:30 am ET/ 7:30 am MT for Shiny Things with Claire Bhavani
What is Truth? And how do we find it in a life that is pushed and pulled around by the cravings, aversions, and ignorance of the human mind and senses?
There can be no confusion about where to start, for it is all laid out within the eight limbs of Raja yoga, as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Shiny Things provides practical guidance to apply the path of Raja Yoga in daily life, relieving suffering and accessing an inner sparkle, within a supportive group environment. It includes consideration of how we conduct ourselves in the world, how we relate to our spiritual practices, appropriate care of the body and vitality, a gradual quieting of the mind and senses, throwing out what is false, and glimpsing what is True.
We will initially use the book by Bhava Ram: The Eight Limbs of Yoga, Pathway to Liberation, as an introductory guide. If you don’t have the book, you can still join us. Later in the year, we will commence a deeper immersion into a full commentary of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Join us at 10:15 am ET/ 8:15 am MT
for Our Weekly Gathering with
Rev. Cyndi Krupp
Title: “The Goal We Have Been Given by God”
Description: Can it be that the map to Self Realization is available to all of us, all the time? Is it possible that it can be found easily, when we follow the directions given? During this gathering Rev. Cyndi Krupp is going to shine a light on this contemplation through teachings found in ACIM.
Reading: Rona Marren will read ACIM excerpts from“Entering the Ark” & “Final Lessons, Introduction”.
*Weekly gathering is held every Sunday morning at 10:15 am ET/8:15 am MT in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Join us after the Gathering for our Fellowship Time, hosted by Rev. Tawonda Chase.
Join us at 12:00 pm ET/ 10:00 am MT for Just Being Here Now with Anja Janssen
Everything is already here now, so all we have to ‘do’ is be. In this program, Anja will look deeply into the now, the present moment, to explore how truth presents itself. She will be using everyday experiences and events to practice being present with what is. She will also share a variety of teachings about the now, the illusion of time, and resting in beingness. Some of the teachers and texts she will draw from are Eckhart Tolle, Lao Tzu, Angelo Dilullo, A Course in Miracles & NTI. Join Anja in using our everyday experiences to embrace the present moment and be.
Join us at 1:30 pm ET/ 11:30 am MT for Reflections from Sangha is the New Guru Online Retreat
We hope you can join us for Reflections from Sangha is the New Guru Online Retreat. During this gathering, retreat participants will have the opportunity to share how this retreat helped them learn how the sangha is its own teacher. They will also share on how they learned to genuinely support awakening for themselves and each other.
All are welcome to join!
Join us at 5:00 pm ET/ 3:00 pm MT for The Mighty Companions Hour – The Voice That likes You with Rev. Yolanda Mapes
Join Rev. Yolanda as she continues to share her beautiful voice and heart during The Mighty Companions Hour. This is a program she and her late, beloved husband, Rev. Glen Ganaway began in 2020.
Rev. Yolanda Mapes, who is an interfaith minister, shares a delightful, funny, and inspiring hour of A Course in Miracles. Come join in on the fun, the laughs, and the music while unlearning the ego through the lessons and chapters of ACIM.
You can discover more about the Mighty Companions on this website: Also, Rev. Yolanda has a site where you can purchase her beautiful, spiritually uplifting music: If you feel to contribute to her ministry, you can do so here:
Join us at 6:00 pm ET/ 4:00 pm MT for Enlightened Leadership: Building the Foundation with Revs. Rhoda Makled & David Hemphill
The Tao Te Ching (The Way), written by Lao-Tzu (Old Teacher), is a guide to enlightened leadership. While most people believe effective leadership lies in knowledge and power, the Tao teaches it lies in emptiness, stillness, and presence.
Awakening Together’s Vice President-Minister, Rev. Rhoda Makled, and Rev. David Hemphill share from the Tao as they contemplate its principles in order to fully embody them. In addition to the 2 versions already being read from the Tao, the pair will also read Regina Dawn Aker’s translation of the Tao Te Ching.
The Sanctuary will close at 7:00 pm ET
Enter the Sanctuary or see the complete listing of speakers.
All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See helpful links below.
How to Enter the Sanctuary
Gentle Healing Year 3 with Rev. Sharon Hepburn ~ Week 24
This Gentle Healing Group Year 3 is being led by Rev. Sharon Hepburn. The Gentle Healing Curriculum guides committed students to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy, and love. This group began year 3 on January 24, 2024.
Here’s a direct link to the helpful facilitator guide for Gentle Healing Year 3 that helps you to know what week you are on: Click Here
- If you haven’t already registered for the forum please do that this week so that you will be able to share your contemplations there.
Transform the Spiritual Journey with Our Renewed Mentoring Program
Awakening Together is delighted to introduce a renewed Spiritual Mentoring Program, designed to support you on your spiritual journey through two possible opportunities. This program is tailored to accommodate both communal and individual needs as well as fostering a nurturing environment where participants can explore, understand, and deepen their spiritual practice.
Mentoring Sangha: 6-Week OR 12-Week Spiritual Practice Sessions
Part one of our program offers participants the unique opportunity to join a small, intimate sangha that meets weekly under the guidance of a certified spiritual mentor. Sanghas are best for those who are seeking an opportunity to grow their own spiritual confidence, competence and commitment. Each sangha, limited to a maximum of three participants plus the mentor, creating a supportive and confidential space to share and explore spiritual practices. Over the course of 6 or 12 weeks, these sessions are dedicated to the following:
- Collective Sharing: Engage in meaningful discussions about personal challenges and spiritual questions, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
- Agreed Practices: Through consensus, the group will select specific spiritual practices to contemplate and implement in their daily lives, creating a practical framework for becoming Self reliant on Inner Wisdom.
- Reflective Reporting: Participants will have the chance to reflect on their experiences, sharing insights and breakthroughs, fostering spiritual commitment, competency and confidence through an ever-deepening connection to Inner Wisdom.
The 2- hour sangha meetings are structured to ensure a nurturing and productive environment. The cost for this transformative:
- 6-week journey is $180
- 12-week journey is $360
An investment in your spiritual confidence, competence and commitment.
For those who would like to participate but are in need of a scholarship, which covers 50% of the cost, please contact us here. Our pricing policies as well as our scholarship opportunities endeavors to ensure that no one is turned away due to financial constraints. Again, please contact us if you are prompted to discuss this further.
To participate in a Sangha as a mentee, the mentee agrees to uphold the covenants of membership.
- Six Week Sanghas
- Begins Sept. 3, 2024; Tuesdays from 12-2 pm ET; Mentor is Rev. Abigail Edwards
- FULL/CLOSED Begins Sept. 4, 2024; Wednesdays from 11 am – 1 pm ET; Mentor is Rev. Karen Worth (no meeting Sept. 18)
- Begins Sept. 4, 2024; Wednesdays for from 7-9 pm ET; Mentor is Rev. Billy Sintiris
- FULL/CLOSED Begins Sept. 9, 2024; Mondays 7-9 pm ET; Mentor is Rev. Melody Brauninger
- Twelve Week Sanghas
- FULL/CLOSED Begins Sept. 4, 2024; Wednesdays 4-6 pm ET; Mentor is Rev. Meg Reinhart
- FULL/CLOSED Begins Sept. 13, 2024; Fridays 9-11 a.m. ET; Mentor is Rev. Anne Blanchard (no meeting Sept. 20 or Dec. 6)
Register for a Mentoring Sangha
Registration for the Mentoring Sangha closes as each group fills up but no later than: August 28, 2024 @ 5 p.m. ET
One-On-One Mentoring
For those seeking more confidential guidance, Awakening Together offers a second component which is one-on-one spiritual mentoring. This aspect of the program is designed to provide:
- Individual Confidential Attention: These sessions are available to support you as you navigate challenges, uncertainties, and the complexities of your spiritual journey.
- Flexible Support: These sessions can be either on-going or a one-off depending on the uncertainties or complexities involved. You and your mentor can come to agreement on this aspect either from the beginning of your registration or during the first session.
- On-going Availability: You have the opportunity to develop an on-going relationship with a mentor who is on stand-by for when you get the prompt to seek ongoing mentoring support even if it’s not immediately clear what the frequency or duration will be. You need not pre-pay, or specify beforehand. This allows you to deepen your relationship with your own inner teacher and trust the prompts to seek mentorship when needed.
Our donation-based approach ensures that no one is turned away due to financial constraints. Participants are encouraged to contribute according to their ability, with a recommended donation of $75/hour. Contributions can be allocated solely to the mentor or shared with Awakening Together, supporting the broader spiritual community.
For one-on-one spiritual mentoring please complete this intake form.
Why Would You Choose Spiritual Mentoring Support?
Whether you’re grappling with a specific challenge or seeking clarity and direction, Spiritual Mentoring can be a support in holding the space of clarity until you feel confident and committed in your own spiritual practice. Our Renewed Spiritual Mentoring Program offers a comprehensive, supportive framework to elevate and deepen your spiritual practice. With both sangha-based sessions and individual mentoring options, Awakening Together is dedicated to supporting your spiritual growth in a way that resonates with your journey and supports your ongoing needs.
Embark on this transformative journey with us, and discover the profound impact of nurturing your spiritual well-being in a supportive, understanding community. Join Awakening Together’s Spiritual Mentoring Program today, and take your next steps with Life.
Register for a Mentoring Sangha*
Registration for the Mentoring Sangha closes as each group fills up but no later than: August 28, 2024 @ 5 p.m. ET
Request for One-On-One Mentoring
Group Led Contemplation ~ Sangha – Step Three, Quotes 533 & 539 – 07/10/24
Please join us as we continue to contemplate Out of the Stillness & The Seven Steps to Awakening. This program is on Wednesdays, 3pm ET / 1pm MT (except for the first Wednesday of the month).
“Awakening Together was designed by inner guidance to be a sangha rather than a guru-centered collective.”
As we step into the vision of “The Sangha is the New Guru” we are learning how the sangha is its own teacher, and honing the skills that are important for each member of a highly effective sangha. We are teaching ourselves how to genuinely support awakening, for each of us and for the community.
The primary qualities of a sangha are:
- Members genuinely live the spiritual teachings they study.
- They speak and teach from their own authentic experience.
- They support one another on the spiritual path.
During this program we are currently contemplating Out of the Stillness and The Seven Steps to Awakening as Regina had been contemplating during this time.
A new facilitator will also be assigned each week. The facilitator will be the one to facilitate the program during the following week. The facilitator will lead by reading the quotes, calling on participants who wish to share their contemplations and may also be the one to share contemplations. To be a facilitator you will need both books.
Any questions posed will be posed to the group and inner wisdom will be brought forth from the sangha in response. We invite anyone who feels called to join us as we step into the vision of a highly effective sangha.
Live in the Sanctuary
Wednesdays at 3 pm ET/1 pm MT,
except for the first Wednesday of the month
Add to Calendar
*To add a recurring program to your own calendar click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, and then click “copy” and “save”.
Jeff Bailey ~ The Yoga Mind, “Beauty & the Miracle” ~ 07-10-24 ~ Last Program
This is Jeff Bailey’s “The Yoga Mind” farewell program.
Join Jeff Bailey for “The Yoga Mind.” Jeff describes the program this way: “It’s our yoga to identify and remove the barriers to Love’s Light. And when do we practice? Always and now, the only time there is. This timeless formula, which uses time to save time, has shaped my yoga and given meaning to every detail of my life. I hope you’ll join me for these short and sweet interludes where we come to heal. We’ll draw mostly from deep themes in A Course in Miracles to set the backdrop for us to identify, share, and give up the shadows to Love’s Light.”
For more information about Jeff Bailey, you can reach him on his website
Use this link for information on how to enter our Zoom sanctuary.
Live in the Sanctuary
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month, 5:30-6:00 pm ET
Contact Us
Rev. Cyndi Krupp ~ I Think, Therefore…, “All Is Good” 7-10-2024
In this program, Rev. Cyndi will explore how we can use the Conditioning Loop (What I think, I see, what I see, I experience, what I experience I think) to shine a light on how the little self works to keep us in the dark. She will be using personal stories, contemplations, and wisdom teachings. Join Cyndi in using the world that we see and the thoughts that we think to Awaken Together.
Wednesdays 12:00-12:30 p.m. ET
Rhoda ~ Living the Undefended Surrender Experiment, “It’s Not Personal” 7-10-2024
With humor, love, and open-hearted awareness Rev. Rhoda Makled is exploring her own take on the Surrender Experiment as coined by Michael Singer. Raw, authentic, and faithful she is uncovering the path to living in the undefended Heart.
Rev. Rhoda will dig into topics she is exploring in her life such as what it means to live the experiment of being surrendered. Feeling every feeling and seeing every thought she can, Rhoda will share the journey of studying, journaling, contemplating, being inspired by, and surrendering to Truth. Inspired by so many teachers including those here at Awakening Together, Rhoda will share her contemplations and invites you to come and discuss your experience with your own surrender experiment. This undefended dialogue with Inner Wisdom is just one more way to observe as the self is undone–the intention being to leave space only for awareness of Awareness and release everything that covers Truth.
In this program, Rev. Rhoda will explore the teachings of Michael Singer, Regina Dawn Akers, Paul Hedderman, Roger Castillo, Helen Hamilton, and many more.
Live in the Sanctuary
Wednesdays 12:30-1 pm ET
Add to Calendar
*To add a recurring program to your own calendar click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, and then click “copy” and “save”.
Rev. Anne Blanchard ~Unfiltered, “Self Clearing” 7-10-2024
Rev. Anne Blanchard shares her experience of purification and awakening, unfiltered and as it happens. Raw, reflective, brave, and infused with clarity, Anne’s open honesty inspires us all to dive deep into the spiritual journey instead of simply skimming the surface. She continues to share deeply from various non-dual teachings and teachers.
Add to Your Calendar
Weekly on Wednesdays 1-2 pm ET
*To add this program to your calendar click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, then Copy, and then click Save.
Registration CLOSES TODAY: Contemplate “The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi”
Ramana Maharshi was born on December 30, 1879 in a village in Tamil, India. His father died when he was twelve, and he went to live with his uncle. At age 16, he experienced a sudden and extreme fear of death to which he responded by immediately seeking the truth of the Self and became Self-realized. Six weeks later he followed an inner calling and ran away to India’s holy hill, Arunachala, where he remained for the rest of his life. For years he was a silent ascetic. He spent many hours each day deep in samadhi. Years later he emerged from silence to share the wisdom of the True Self with those who came seeking it. Before the end of his life in 1950, thousands of people had come to him from all over the world. Ramana Maharshi became known as one of the greatest saints to have ever graced this planet with Presence.
Join us as we contemplate the teachings of this great sage. We will also read stories about about him told by the people who knew him best.
In this course you will:
- Consider the legend, the living example and the teachings of a great sage and determine what is most helpful to one’s own spiritual process.
- Practice self-inquiry in order to distinguish between what is and is not the Self.
- Practice removing attention from the non-Self and placing it with the Self using a spiritual practice that is most suited for you now.
Purpose:The purpose of this course is to introduce the participant to the spiritual teaching of one of the great sages of the twentieth century, Ramana Maharshi.
Course Duration: 6 weeks
Course Starting Dates: July 15, 2024
Homework Begins: July 15, 2024
Last Day of Course: August 25, 2024
Facilitators: Revs. Kate Brennan OR Cyndi Krupp
Individual Homework Time Commitment: One hour per day five days per week plus 15 minutes per day two days per week. An instructional video will also be posted after each week’s homework is completed.
Structure of Course: Forum
Textbook needed: The textbook needed is The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi.
Registration closes: July 10, 2024 @ 5 p.m. ET
Registration Fee: $180
For more information on this class, click here.
Register Here
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