All times listed are Eastern Standard Time – – – – See helpful links below
7:00 to 7:30 am – Centering Prayer – Anne Blanchard
Centering Prayer is a method designed to seek the true Self by deepening into the intention to recognize and promptly empty ourselves of what is not true and, in turn, abide more and more fully in the heart as a symbol of the Truth of What We Are.
During the 20-minute silent practice period, we relax and allow everything to be as it is. When we notice attention has gone to a thought/image/feeling/perception, we ever-so-gently return to a sacred word of our choosing. We do not resist thought but we also do not follow it either. We let thoughts go by without thinking ABOUT them. We let them be by softly saying our sacred word inwardly as a symbol of our intention to consent to the Presence of God within and God’s action within.
Devotional music or words will be offered prior to the start of the 20-minute silent practice period and for a couple minutes directly following the practice period to allow a transition time back to our ordinary awareness.
7:30 to 8:30 am – Morning Meditation with Rev. Anne Blanchard
Rev. Anne will guide those with willing hearts into morning meditation.
8:30 to 9:00 am – Contemplating the Thoughts of Awakening – A Daily Devotional Practice with Rev. Michele Hojnacki and Sami Ross
This program is a daily, year-long devotional practice that focuses on contemplating the Thoughts of Awakening. This group will meet every morning at 8:30 am ET for 30 minutes to share our insights from the previous day’s contemplation with our inner teacher. The facilitators are Rev. Michele Hojnacki and Sami Ross.
The Thoughts of Awakening were given to Regina Dawn Akers in response to her prayer for help. In her book, Thoughts of Awakening, Regina wrote, “I found the contrast between profound spiritual devotion and her typical day-to-day state of mind unbearable”. The Thoughts of Awakening were given to help her from “falling back into the old state of mind after my morning devotional practice”. She says of the Thoughts of Awakening, “They are the thoughts that led from suffering with a split mind to the experience of a highly consistent, happy way of being.”
“Each of the 365 thoughts is intended for a full day’s contemplation. They are to be read and contemplated repeatedly throughout the day. If you read and contemplate each thought deeply for a full day, you’ll experience shifts towards true perception this year.”
The group’s aim is to support one another in a daily practice of inner listening using the Thoughts of Awakening. This group could benefit those new to inner contemplation or anyone wishing to enhance their practice.
We will contemplate a single Thought of Awakening daily with our inner teacher.
Following Regina’s recommendation, we’ll write it down and carry it with us for reflection throughout the day, as well as reflecting on and putting into practice the guidance received from our own inner teacher.
Our invitation to join extends to all, even if attending the daily sessions is not possible.
9:00 to 11:00 am – Heart Explorations: Embracing the Whole Show – with Rev. Anne Blanchard.
During our time together, we will explore what it takes to live from an open, undefended heart. Naturally, any true exploration of living from the heart necessarily entails taking a deep and sustained look at what prevents us from keeping our hearts open. Grounded in the knowledge that the essence of us, our true nature, is the very lovingness within us all, we will explore how to recognize and release egoic energies by cultivating open-hearted awareness practices which support us in directly experiencing our true Self. By leaning into willingness, steeped in self-honesty, and with a consistent dash of courage, we endeavor to open to whatever life brings, as it brings it, that is, on life’s terms. In so doing, we trust that everything – absolutely everything – is here for us to use for healing, for purification, and for learning to live from the heart. We look forward to supporting each other in our individual explorations of how we truly embrace the entirety of this show we call life.
3:00 to 5:00 pm – Gentle Healing Year 2 – Facilitated by Rev. Diane Scott
Rev. Dianne Scott guides a group of committed students who would like to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy, and love. This group meets weekly and all members are committed to specific assignments and practices between group meetings.
The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI)
The Teachings of Inner Ramana
Thoughts of Awakening
5:00 pm – 5:30 Sanctuary Closed
5:30 pm – Discovering Presence: Exploring ‘Awake, It’s Your Turn’
Join us for an engaging and insightful study group as we explore “Awake: It’s Your Turn” by Angelo DiLullo. We welcome everyone to join us in this journey of awakening and self-discovery. Each week, a new facilitator will lead the discussion. Participants are encouraged to take a turn facilitating the discussion, making this a collaborative and enriching experience for all. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow together! Whether you are new to Angelo Dilullo’s teachings or a regular follower, this group promises to offer valuable insights with meaningful connections.
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert and Connie Poole facilitate this program together, called Early Insights. The sisters will play Regina Dawn Akers’ Early Teaching videos and invite those in attendance to contemplate those teachings along with them.
Regina completed a YouTube playlist featuring 275 videos focusing on the “essence” of her early teachings. They are a treasure trove of insight into the practices and understanding that illuminated her path to awakening. Regina compiled the teachings by trimming down her early teaching audios to highlight the core components of the guidance she received early in her journey. Because these teachings are so helpful, Jacquelyn and Connie plan to slowly review them by playing one or two of them each week and contemplating them in a group format.
To access Regina’s Early Teaching go to our website, on the main menu bar, click ‘Regina’s Audios’, then in the drop down menu click ‘Early Teachings’, then click ‘Snippets From Early Teachings’. Here’s the link: Snippets from the Early Teachings on YouTube
7:30 pm – Silence of the Heart – Facilitated by Lin Castaldo
Join Lin Castaldo as we explore the book ‘Silence of the Heart: Dialogues With Robert Adams’, on the 1st,3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month from 7:30 – 8 pm ET.
“Robert Adams (January 21, 1928 – March 2, 1997) is an American Self-realized master and a direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi. This book is dedicated to the teachings of Robert Adams during his Satsangs from 1991-1993. If you are a sincere seeker, and if you find the all-important heart connection with Robert, your life will never again be the same. Doors will unlock, magic will happen.”
8:00 pm ET the Sanctuary is closed.
All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See helpful links below.
Enter the Sanctuary or see the complete listing of speakers.
How to Enter the Sanctuary