What is Creation?
Our special theme says, “Creation is the holy Son of God, for in creation is His Will complete in every aspect, … We are creation.”
The “Son of God” is a symbol based on the idea of separation. It was once believed that the closest one could come to the divine is its first creation, consciousness. Now it is seen that consciousness is not God’s first creation, nor is it reality. Consciousness is the first step into the dream.
There are many stories that attempt to explain how this first step into the dream occurred. All stories are just that, stories. At best, they help us accept that the dream has appeared, and reality exists outside of the dream.
In The Supreme Yoga Vasistha, it is written:
Whatever might have been the origin of the mind and whatever it might be, one should constantly direct it toward liberation, through self-effort.
In this quote, mind is synonymous with consciousness. The quote asks us not to be concerned with the stories about how consciousness came to be; it asks us not to be concerned about what consciousness is. Instead, constantly direct consciousness toward awakening.
If you look again at today’s selected excerpt from our special theme, you will see that it is calling us into an awakening that is beyond consciousness—beyond the experience of Christ-Self, which experiences a direct relationship with the divine source—into the divine itself. The divine is our true Self.
I am forever an Effect of God.
When we look carefully at consciousness in relationship to the source, we see that consciousness is something other than source. Consciousness is the subject that experiences the ego or it experiences the divine, but it is set apart from what it experiences. Consciousness itself—meaning the Second Principle of God—is the ultimate illusion. There is no “second” in God.
As NTI 1 Timothy says, “All that you are is beyond the observer, but the observer is a step in the right direction. For as observer, you begin to surrender the concept of personhood by accepting you can observe the person, so the person must not be all that you are.”
The symbols of “Father,” “Son” and “Effect” are used in today’s workbook lesson, but the lesson is pointing to the fact that we are as we have always been. We are not consciousness (the dreamer) or its dream.
Today’s lesson says, “…it is Your Will to have a Son so like his Cause that Cause and Its Effect are indistinguishable.” That sentence points to the truth that we are being asked to accept. There is no Son in Reality, and therefore there is no Father. There is only Reality, and we are That.
Today’s lesson says, “Let us today behold earth disappear, at first transformed, and then, forgiven, fade entirely into God’s holy Will.” As stated in the previous paragraph, God’s Will is the end of the dream that appears to distinguish a Father from a Son.
The real world is still a dream, but it is a dream that reflects reality. In the real world, true perception sees that everything is consciousness. That is a dream-reflection of the absolute, which is non-dual reality.
Gently contemplate what I have written today. Marinate in it, without trying to figure it out.
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