What is Sin?
Our special theme asks, “How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of sin?”
Let’s contemplate this question using some of our alternative terms:
How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of judgment?
How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of duality?
How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of ignoring truth?
How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of outward focus?
We can answer, “No longer will I play that game.” It is within our power to stop playing the game now. We have the practices that point away from games and towards truth. To stop playing the game, we simply need the desire to live from those practices instead of from old conditioning that is not in harmony with what we want now.
Let me remember that my goal is God.
Today is another opportunity to contemplate what we really want.
Spiritual practice can be forgotten when we are distracted by the personality mind’s “little senseless aims.” However, when we continuously contemplate what we really want, we are naturally drawn to the spiritual practices that lead to Self-realization. We are naturally drawn to those practices, because they are the way to complete our heart’s one true desire.
If you have 30 minutes for meditation today, I recommend this meditation: