In the second year of Gentle Healing, we will focus on Thoughts of Awakening: 365 Thoughts for Contemplation. Originally these thoughts were called “Single, Quiet Thoughts.” These thoughts started coming to me during my morning contemplation while I was scribing NTI. They did not come at the rate of one per day. In fact, these 365 thoughts came to me slowly over about 4 years. I don’t really know why that is, but my guess is that I had to mature to a specific point spiritually in order to receive higher levels of thought, so there were delays between one group of thoughts and the next group.
Each of the 365 thoughts is intended for a full day’s contemplation. They are to be read and contemplated repeatedly throughout the day. If you read and contemplate each thought deeply for a full day, you’ll experience shifts towards true perception this year.
The best way to devote yourself to each thought is:
- Read the thought in the morning, and spend time contemplating it.
- Write as you contemplate the thought. (During tonight’s Gentle Healing meeting, I will demonstrate some ways to contemplate and write with these thoughts.)
- Keep the day’s thought with you and review it multiple times throughout the day. The more you review it, the better. The goal is to absorb it as deeply as possible.
- Also review whatever you wrote as you contemplated the day’s thought that morning. If what you wrote is long, you might not to be able to review it as often as you review that day’s thought, but review your writing enough to put it into practice. Practicing the guidance that came to you through your writing is the most important part of this process.
In addition to contemplating the Thoughts of Awakening, we will read a short amount of supporting material each day this year. We will read the three books that I was focused on during the time when the Thoughts of Awakening were received. Those books are NTI, The Teachings of Inner Ramana and The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss. We will begin with NTI. We will read NTI at the rate of about 2 pages per day.
During Year 2, I will not assign extra videos or audios. We will focus solely on the Thoughts of Awakening and the reading material just mentioned. I would rather spend more time with the inner teacher this year and less time with outer teachers.
As the facilitator for Gentle Healing, I would like to hear more about your process this year. During the first year, 45 minutes of our 2-hour weekly meeting was devoted to your sharing. In the second year, I will increase that to at least 1 hour per meeting, and if there is a lot of sharing, we may go longer. You are also invited to use that time to ask questions. I always prefer that you ask your inner teacher before asking, but if there is a question you don’t receive an answer to or if you have some doubts about the answer you received, you can ask me at the Gentle Healing meeting.
I will continue to write tips in our second year of Gentle Healing. I won’t write tips about each day’s thought for contemplation; I want you to write with your inner guidance without being influenced by me. My tips will focus on the reading material. You might find it helpful to read my tip before you read that day’s material. My tips will help focus attention for the reading.
Karen Worth posted a 30-minute guided meditation based on the current day’s Thought of Awakening. They are posted under Audios & Videos, Meditation Audios.