Today’s reading focuses on intuition and discernment.
In today’s story, Jesus sends the disciples out to teach in the villages because, “He knew that it was through their own participation as teachers that they themselves would learn and see, …”
He gives instructions to the disciples before sending them into the villages. The heart of these instructions will help us learn to follow intuition.
1. “You do not know.” – A friend of mine used to call the thinking mind, “the I-know mind.” It does think it knows. So, shifting into “I don’t know” disengages the thinking mind and opens us up to intuition.
2. “Only the Holy Spirit knows.” – “Holy Spirit” is a Judeo-Christian term for intuition. Intuition is different than the thinking mind, because its source is different. The source of the thinking mind is perception—usually misperception—and thought. The source of intuition is consciousness. The thinking mind is linked to and limited by the biases of one self-centered individual, while intuition is linked to totality’s true perception and to truth. Which one do you think is more reliable as a guide?
3. “Think only of the work He has sent you to do. All else will be offered through His Grace.” – This teaching is most well known as, “Seek ye first the kingdom and all else will be added to you.”
4. “Do not ask for more than you are offered.” – The ego is always trying to add to itself, so “more” is a key thought in its thought system. To seek “more” is to align with ego.
5. “Be grateful for everything you are given.” – Gratitude flows from our true Self. There is a natural gratitude for being and for our truth. When we are grateful for what is, without seeking more and without asking it to be different, we exercise the right mind’s natural gratitude. That moves us towards true perception.
Today’s reading points out a key thought in the ego thought system, so you can come to recognize this thought and choose not to believe it.
The thought is:
You are separate and different from all you know, and for this you are guilty [unworthy, less than]. You must protect yourself, for when your guilt is unmasked, you will suffer endlessly. You will be cut off from all that is and from life itself.
This thought whispers in the mind multiple times every day, but it hides itself so it is not recognized. For example, it may appear as:
- Stress when you aren’t sure if your work project will be successful, on time or to your boss’ pleasure.
- Makeup on a face, which tries to hide a sense of ugliness.
- Disliking someone.
- Over achieving, taking on too many projects, or saying “yes” to everyone’s requests.
- Pushing your children to be successful, over achieve, or be the perfect parent.
- Resolving your children’s problems for them.
- Selecting friends, homes, cars, functions, and etcetera in order to appear as good as others.
- Numbing the pain through drinking, taking drugs, over eating, etc.
That’s only a few examples of how this thought hides itself.
The best way to identify where this thought hides in your mind is through root cause inquiry. Once its hiding places are found, you can see it (discernment) and choose not to believe it. As long as it is allowed to hide, you are its slave.
Note: I recommend printing this tip for easy future reference.
Thoughts of Awakening # 37
and be grateful.
Be willing
in peace
and in joy.
That is all
you need to do.
~From our Holy Spirit