Many spiritual students get confused between the purpose of awakening and the purpose of an improved life in the world. As NTI Revelation, Chapter 1 says, “The two purposes are not the same.” Today, we will revisit the difference between them.
If we were in a physical classroom together, I might lead you in an exercise that would demonstrate the difference between these two purposes. However, since we are not in a physical classroom, I will lead you through an imaginary exercise. Please read the following steps and imagine with me. Be sure to fully imagine one step, before proceeding to the next. If you read all of the steps without using your imagination along the way, this exercise may not have the same effect.
- Imagine that you have a can of children’s molding clay, like Playdoh, in front of you. Imagine taking the clay out of the can. Set the clump of clay on the desk or table in front of you.
- Close your eyes, and look at your life. Consider your health, your relationships, your financial situation, your job or other daily responsibilities, and etcetera. Look at your life as it is in your mind’s eye. What’s not perfect about your life? What’s missing? What would you change? What do you desire? Think of one way that your life could be improved. Think of something that would bring additional happiness, satisfaction, freedom or safety into your life situation. (Note: Don’t consider awakening right now. Think of a life improvement.)
- Pick up the clump of clay in front of you. Use the clay to create something that symbolizes that improvement to your life. See yourself working with the clay to create that symbol. Feel the clay in your hands. Imagine the smell of it. Watch yourself work with the clay until the symbol is completed to your satisfaction. Set the completed form on the desk or table in front of you.
- Look at the clay symbol of your life improvement. Imagine the symbol as the actualization of your desire. Imagine that whatever you have asked for is given. See your life with this improvement as part of it. Live with this improvement in your mind. Feel what it is like to have this improvement actualized as part of your life.
- Having lived the improvement in your mind and feeling fully satisfied with it, imagine that time moves on. Things change. New desires are formulating in your mind. You do not need to imagine those desires specifically. Simply feel the notion of movement, change, a new outlook and new desires.
- Pick up the symbol in front of you, which you created from clay. Using your hands, turn it back into a formless clump of clay. Set the clump of clay on the table or desk in front of you. The clay is ready to form a new symbol, a symbol that represents new dreams that are being born.
- Look at the unformed clump of clay in front of you. We aren’t going any further with this exercise. We won’t create anything new right now. However, notice the unlimited potential of the clay. It can become anything.
Now, here’s the difference between the purpose of awakening and the purpose of an improved life:
Any improved life that we can imagine is temporary. What is made, will at some point be destroyed. Manifestations of form never last forever.
Awakening is becoming aware of the clay—of the essence as reality. People, things and circumstances come into being and go out of being. Essence is unlimited potentiality, unaffected by potentials, unaffected by the temporary actuals, and unaffected by whatever came that now ceases to be. That’s why it is called eternal.
Realizing that you are the essence, not a temporary actual, is awakening. The temporary actual will go out of being. You are eternal.
In today’s reading, we will see that the essence is manipulated, like clay, in order to change the form of a temporary actual. The purpose of this change is to demonstrate “that distortion can be replaced with newness when willingness is given for newness to be received.”
In other words, the intention of the demonstration in today’s reading is to set people on the path of questioning everything they’ve ever thought, experienced and believed. However, for most people, the demonstration does not have that effect. Instead of questioning everything and opening to a reality beyond their experience, they begin to seek more improved actuals. Not recognizing the purpose of the demonstration, they remain as lost after the demonstration as they were before the demonstration occurred.
The fact is, what we perceive as physical miracles sometimes happen. They do not happen all of the time. Even when they do happen, they are only temporary actuals. If one is invested in the form of a temporary actual, that person will be disillusioned at some point, because the actual is only temporary.
Be willing to set your sights higher than temporary life improvements. Seek to know the essence. One who knows the essence will never be disillusioned, because the essence is eternal.
Today’s reading is very short, so there is time to listen to a story about a “miraculous healing” that happened to me. Listen either before or after the reading.
Listen to this 7½ -minute audio
Thoughts of Awakening # 31
Self-protection protects the small self,
which is the illusory self,
which is not you.
You are one with your brother.
Where there is no division,
there can be no conflict.
Conflict is illusion
dreamt up by the desire
to self-protect.
Will you let conflict go?
Will you not self-protect?
~From our Holy Spirit