Today’s NTI reading is a gentle introduction to what can become a hard-hitting topic. I call it a “gentle introduction,” because anyone who is not ready to see what today’s reading points to can not see it in the reading. However, anyone who follows this path to its end will eventually come to the point of questioning every expectation and everything he has ever put faith in.
I am not going to rob you of the gentle introduction provided through today’s reading. One will arrive at “hard-hitting” when one is ready. All I want to do in this tip is highlight one paragraph:
Peace comes from laying down your expectations and your judgments and accepting truth as it is. There is no other way to accept the truth, for to accept it in any way other than as it is, is not to accept the truth. It is to accept delusion over truth, and in delusion, you are lost from truth.
There is a term that is used frequently these days. The term is “his truth” or “her truth,” as in, “She has to find her truth and live by it.”
The problem with that idea is this:
There is only one truth.
Anything other than truth is not truth.
It’s imagination.
Most people live by imagination. In fact, there is so much imagination in most people’s lives that I couldn’t begin to point it all out. Nor would I. Each one is allowed to live by his imagination. However, the problem comes when one person’s imagination conflicts with another person’s imagination, or when one group’s imagination conflicts with another group’s, or one nation’s with another nation’s imagination. The problem with imagination is that it isn’t consistent—it can be anything—and when it is heavily believed and invested in as if it is truth, it creates conflict.
Conflict comes from believing one’s imagination.
Peace comes from accepting truth as it is.
That’s why everyone who follows this path to its end eventually comes to the hard-hitting point of questioning everything she’s ever believed. You can begin that questioning whenever you are ready. Life will provide the starting point for you. Every time you are upset, you are provided with the opportunity to discover where you’ve mistaken imagination for truth.
Note: I recommend that you read Matthew 21 in the Bible before reading NTI today, since today’s reading refers directly to the stories in the Bible.
Thoughts of Awakening # 18
Judgment seems to guide you within a world of differences, and it seems to bring reason into chaos.
But this is not so.
Judgment is a false guide that distracts from your true guide.
Lay down judgment, that you may see with true perception through the eyes of One who knows what it is you look upon.
~From our Holy Spirit