Today’s reading says that we define ourselves by mind-made laws and by our relationship to mind-made laws.
What are these mind-made laws?
The “laws” cannot be listed, because they vary by individual. They make up the filter of the individual mind.
A few examples might be:
- People should be honest.
- I shouldn’t eat so much.
- She shouldn’t talk so much.
- Telemarketers should respect my privacy and quit calling on the phone.
- My neighbor’s dog shouldn’t bark.
- It shouldn’t snow in April.
- People shouldn’t cut in and out of traffic.
- People shouldn’t be racist.
- I should keep my house cleaner than I do.
- Children should respect their parents.
- Etcetera, etcetera, and etcetera.
Laws like these serve the ego in two ways:
- They give us a sense of identity.
- They provide a basis for judgment and separation.
As long as we believe mind-made laws, we are limited to a self and a world that is seen through the filter of these laws, which means we remain unaware of reality.
Today’s reading suggests that we let the Heart lead ahead of the mind. It suggests we follow intuitive guidance instead of living by mind-made laws. This is another way of asking us to live by trust (reliance on intuition and universal spontaneity) instead of thinking, since thinking is the obstacle that blocks our awareness of reality.
What mind-made laws do you notice in your mind? Are you willing to let them go? Are there any you feel compelled to hold onto? If so, why? What do you think you lose by giving up those laws?
Thoughts of Awakening # 99
See that the thoughts
you want to hold to
are only thoughts
you want to hold to.
They are ideas only.
And you want to hold to them
as if they are your life.
But are they your life?
Are these ideas
that which you are?
~From our Holy Spirit