Today’s reading says:
To have faith in anything at all is to have faith in everything you see. For without faith in all things, you are faithless, because all things are God and you are all things.
Let’s review the definition of faith. Faith is:
- Trusting the healing process & having confidence awakening is certain
- Having confidence in a benevolent power beyond what your senses or mind can know
- Accepting that all is well, regardless of the appearance
Today’s reading points out that faith is total or it isn’t faith at all.
Do you have faith in some circumstances, but not in others?
Do you have faith regarding some people’s lives, but not regarding others?
Do you have faith regarding others, but not regarding yourself?
Do you have faith regarding your personal life, but not regarding the universal scene?
Today, contemplate the definition of faith and the fact that true faith is total. Where are the gaps in your faith?
Thoughts of Awakening # 97
Slow down between the thoughts.
Let go of definitions.
Let go of conclusions.
Let go of reliance on words.
Do not feel that silence is empty.
Silence is not empty.
Silence is the birthplace of all ideas.
Let go of the old.
Make room for the new.
Let go of your way of seeing and expecting.
Make room for Mine.
~From our Holy Spirit