If you remembered to pay attention yesterday for thoughts of self-concept, it’s possible that you captured a long list of ideas. That list would be incredibly long if we also included everything your mind had to say about other people, about circumstances and about the things in your environment. The mind has a lot to say about everything, and it’s through these thoughts that you derive your concept of yourself, others and the world.
As Nisargadatta Maharaj said:
The world you can perceive is a very small world indeed. And it is entirely private. Take it to be a dream and be done with it.
That teaching is the heart of today’s reading. In fact, today’s reading says:
This is great news for you, if you will accept it. This is the truth that will set you free.
When we take the meaning that our thoughts give to everything seriously, we imprison ourselves. By realizing that those thoughts are valueless and have no meaning, we set ourselves free. It is as simple as that!
The problem is that most people value their thoughts over everything else they think they value. Although their thoughts are the cause of all of their problems and all of their suffering, they prefer their thoughts to the freedom that would be present if thought was disregarded.
Today’s reading interprets a parable called The Parable of the Ten Minas.
After reading the interpretation of the parable in today’s reading, consider giving willingness to see that your thinking is mostly upside-down and therefore, not useful. After you give willingness to see this, stay in the space of that willingness. If you stay in the space of that willingness throughout the day, you will become aware of some of the useless thinking that goes on in your mind. Write down what you see, so it isn’t quickly forgotten. At the end of the day, review your list of meaningless thoughts, and then ask, “Am I willing to release the value I’ve placed on my thinking?”
Thoughts of Awakening # 84
The ego is nothing
except the investment in ideas.
letting go of the ego is nothing more
than letting go of that investment.
~From our Holy Spirit