The feeling that humans fear the most is fear itself. The way that humans fear fear is strange, if you look at it objectively. They will do almost anything to avoid the feeling of fear, and in their desire to avoid fear, they listen to fear and obey fear as if fear is their god.
For example, if a romantic partner tells the other, “I’m not happy in this relationship anymore,” fear may arise in the one hearing the news. It could be fear of loneliness, fear of rejection, financial fear, or another type of fear. When fear arises, thoughts come into the mind with suggestions about how to escape fear or how to avoid the feared situation. The fearful one may begin to act differently as a result. A man accused of not showing affection may buy flowers in an effort to be perceived differently. A woman accused of wanting her way might give up something she felt called to do. These actions don’t come from love. They are an effort to escape fear or avoid a fearful situation. Fear said, “Jump!” The fearful partner asked, “How high?” and then proceeded to do so.
Fear controls and restricts us. We think those limits keep us safe, but they actually keep us enslaved to fear. The next time fear rises, we will listen to its counsel again.
We cannot be limited by fear and know our free, unlimited nature too.
Yesterday’s tip suggested that we experience experience intimately. Fear is an experience. If you put distressing stories aside, and simply look at the feeling of fear, you will notice it is only energy in the body.
Sit and watch fear next time it arises. Don’t do anything to escape it. Be with it.
We think fear will destroy us, but it doesn’t have that power regardless of how strong it gets. We can be with fear and remain perfectly unharmed. When we do that, we learn through direct experience that we are genuinely unaffected. That is coming to know our Self.
If we “jump” every time fear says, “Jump,” we continue to believe we are vulnerable, and fear stays in the driver’s seat as our god and as our advisor.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 231
I have asked you
to rest the mind.
This is not a little request.
To rest the mind frequently
will bring the most insight.
To rest it little
will bring the least.
The mantra
“I am that I am”
is a gift of awakening.
Cherish it as a gift,
and you give love
to your reality.
~From our Holy Spirit