Please read and contemplate the following commentary in the same way that you read and contemplate the Thought of Awakening. The commentaries are designed to enrich your understanding of the Thoughts of Awakening.
~Commentary on the World~
The world is filled with distraction. It is filled with things to do, issues to think about, and things to say. The world is filled with distraction, because it is programmed by the idea of independence. The idea fuels the world, and the world fuels the idea.
This, again, explains the reason for obedience. The world is caught in the loop for independence, which is also the loop of conflict, which is pain. When you react to the world with your thinking and your doing and your saying, you continue to feed this loop. Yet that is your habit today.
To break a habit takes obedience. And it is your Heart’s desire to break this habit. Breaking this habit is your contribution to peace.
To break the habit of independence, conflict and pain, one must learn not to listen to himself or his thinking, because it is a part of the world…a part of this loop.
One must instead choose to listen to a Voice that is not part of this world…not part of the loop…and take all direction from it.
The mind will resist the suggestion to take “all direction” from a Voice that is not of this world, but that resistance comes from the desire for independence, which is also the cause of conflict and pain.
~From our Holy Spirit
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 207
The choice for peace
is the choice of the Heart.
Therefore, realize
that you want to surrender
and you want to obey.
This is your truest wish.
When the independent thought
rises up
and asks you to listen to it,
remember that you want
to listen to love,
and there is no love
in independence.
~From our Holy Spirit