Please read and contemplate the following commentary in the same way that you read and contemplate the Thought of Awakening. The commentaries are designed to enrich your understanding of the Thoughts of Awakening.
~Commentary on Obedience~
I have asked for obedience, and this frightens you, but obedience is nothing to fear. In fact, if you look at this rationally you will see that you are always being obedient. It is just that you are being obedient to one voice or the other, but the choice not to be obedient is an illusion. In that, it is a choice in itself. It is a choice to believe illusion.
Obedience, which you cannot avoid, is sharing. It is the sharing of thought. And therefore, it is the creation of experience.
By being obedient to the thought that seems to be independent thought (or thinking), you create the illusion of independence. Yet because this idea is shared, it is an illusion. In the creation of this illusion, you also find the creation of all pain.
By being obedient to the Voice of true authority, you choose to listen to your own Voice of Love, which knows it is sharing and unbroken, and so it communicates the truer aspects of the flow.
I say that to listen is to love, because to listen is to know your own Heart. In knowing your own Heart, you know love, and so you are love, because your knowing isn’t hidden by illusion.
Obedience is a temporary measure, because the purpose of obedience is to retrain the mind to listen. Once listening becomes your natural joy…your pleasure…there will no longer be a need for the thought of obedience.
However, be wary of the idea that says you are independent and therefore no longer in need of obedience. Any thought that says you are independent is not the love of listening…the joy of connection…and so it isn’t the Voice of your Love.
~From our Holy Spirit
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 206
To want to lead
is to want to remain independent.
This is also to choose conflict,
which is pain.
To willingly surrender into following
is to choose love
and harmony
and oneness.
This choice is peace.
~From our Holy Spirit