Today’s reading is about prayer, how we pray, and how prayers are answered.
Prayer is defined as an earnest request or wish. As we have already seen, since consciousness is not aware of many things, from consciousness’ point of view you can only pray for two things: truth or illusion. In order to have genuine clarity, one must be clear on this point.
The law of attraction is not the law of Love. The law of attraction is an ego-distorted version of the law of Love.
According to the law of attraction, there are many things, and you can attract the things you want through intention and faith.
Here are the distortions in the law of attraction:
- There are many things – This is a distortion that comes from the ego point of view. From enlightened point of view, there are not many things. Enlightened point of view is unity consciousness, and unity consciousness sees clearly that all there is is consciousness. There is one thing, not many. All is the Self.
2. You can attract – The “you” in the law of attraction is the personality—the false self. It is the personality that wants a new relationship, a new car, lots of money, a big house, world travel, and etcetera. Therefore, the law of attraction reinforces the idea that you are the false self.
3. You can attract the things you want – The many things (distortion #1) and you (distortion #2) are put together with judgment, so that some things are perceived as good/desired and other things are perceived as bad/undesired. Judgment solidifies the perception of duality, and the ego remains very secure, even if the law of attraction works and you get the intended thing or circumstance.
The law of attraction is a distortion. Even if you “win” by attracting the thing or circumstance you intend to attract, you lose. Why? You still perceive a world of many things; you still perceive yourself as a “you” who has personality-based preferences; judgment rules in your mind, and your perception is duality.
As I already mentioned, today’s reading is about prayer, how we pray, and how prayers are answered. Prayer is defined as an earnest request or wish. One who practices the law of attraction prays for illusion and receives illusion.
Todays reading says:
“I pray for you” is a statement of faith that all you see and sense and experience is not all there is. It is a statement of realization that effect is the result of intent, and intent can be affected by you.
There are only two intentions (motives): truth or illusion. And you can decide which intention you choose as your purpose.
Today’s reading also says:
“Faith is by no means dead. You put faith in whatever you believe. …
Motive without faith is dead.”
In this context, faith is synonymous with believing attention.
When NTI says, “Motive without faith is dead,” it means:
To say you want truth, but to live with believing attention on the world, your thoughts about the world and your emotions, is to live from the motive that wishes for something different than truth.
To receive truth, you must live from the motive of truth. Your believing attention must abide with awareness and spiritual intuition, not the world, thought and emotion.
We do not pray with words or thoughts. We pray with believing attention and with action, since action is an expression of believing attention. If we put faith in illusion—if that is what we believe, think about and react to—we get illusion. If we want truth, we must learn to live from the intention for truth realization.
We experience illusion or truth, whichever we genuinely intend. That is the law of Love.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 202
Stories are ideas.
Look at your stories
and see they are a collection of ideas.
Then ask your mind honestly,
“What is it that these ideas teach?”
To see and recognize truth,
one must relinquish ideas
that are not truth.
One must have willingness to see
beyond false ideas.
One must desire his desire for truth.
~From our Holy Spirit