Today’s reading begins by saying:
“The question that you always ask is: How are you to live in the world without being a part of the world? … When you are thinking this way, you are listening to the voice of confusion. … You are looking at the world as if it is real, and you are looking at actions as if they are actions.”
If awakening to truth is our goal, it is important that we remember truth and live by truth to the best of our ability. If we continue to live by falsehood, falsehood is strengthened in us. When we live by truth, falsehood weakens until it passes away.
Truth is represented by the four principles of God. Everything in the fourth principle is illusion; it is consciousness appearing as something other than consciousness. The appearances are created by declaration. When we declare something meaningful by believing it and giving it attention, that value is reprocessed by the creative principle, and the energy from the appearance creates more appearances with the same energy.
The energy that I am speaking of is also called “thought.” As mentioned on Day 183, “thought” is broadly defined to include general attitudes and ways of being. Action is an expression of thought. That means that every part of how we be in the world is fed into the creative principle and creates the world, including its characters and their thoughts.
Most people are completely unaware of the four principles of God. They do not know truth, and they do not know that we are all a part of the creative process. They live from ignorance. That’s why Jesus said:
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.”
(Luke 23:34)
Most people are completely unaware of truth, but we are not completely unaware. That’s why yesterday’s reading said:
“This service that you perform of not believing the world and of not acting as if the word is real, is a service you provide for yourself and for the entirety of the one mind that you are.”
Those of us who are not entirely ignorant serve everyone by living from the wisdom we’ve realized.
How do we do that?
- Actively remember your spiritual aspiration.
- Actively remember the wisdom you’ve realized.
- Act based on your spiritual aspiration and the wisdom you’ve realized instead of acting from ignorance.
The best way to act based on wisdom is to stay focused within. Ask inner wisdom, “What am I to do now?” and let it guide your perception and your actions.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 185
One can live within the story,
while being aware of reality.
This is what is meant by
One who is awakened
does not fear,
because that one knows
what he looks upon
and lives within.
To hold to the story as true
is not to awaken.
To awaken
one must be willing
to let go of all appearances
as not true.
~From our Holy Spirit