We are Love. We are the all inclusive nature of emptiness. That is our truth. Yet, we do not see ourselves as we are, because we attribute qualities to the emptiness, and we claim those qualities as what we are. In today’s reading, those qualities are called “the mask.” The reading says:
“Surely the one under the mask is the creator of everything that makes up the mask. Surely the one who made the mask is beyond the mask that he made.”
Here is a message that I received from Inner Wisdom several years ago. It is related to today’s reading:
To see that you are not who you think you are, remember first that all ideas are in the mind. Remember all ideas are the same, in that they are all ideas and they all exist within the one mind that is you.
When you have a grasp on the realization that ideas are only ideas and they live only in the mind that is you, try this exercise:
Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the center to make two columns. At the top of one column write, “What I think I am.” At the top of the other column write, “Then I must also know.”
Now look at the personality-body that you call you, which is actually only a filter of ideas. How would you describe that personality-body using one word adjectives? List those adjectives in the first column.
Each adjective that you have used to describe the personality-body has an opposite. Write its opposite in the second column next to the corresponding adjective.
When you’ve finished this, look at both columns. Remember that everything you look at exists only as ideas in the mind. Now, see that both sets of ideas are in the mind. Where there is beauty, there is ugly. Where there is smart, there is dumb. Where there is skilled, there is unskilled.
In order for you to know the experience of feeling beautiful, you must have at some time felt ugly. To know feeling smart, you must have felt dumb. To know skilled, you must have felt unskilled. Only by feeling both can you know both, and only by knowing both can you ‘choose between’ in order to identify yourself as.
In other words, both sets of opposites have been a part of your experience or you would not be aware of either. And if both are a part of your experience, can you truly be defined as only one?
If you are experiencing ugly, you have experienced beautiful, so which are you truly? If dumb, then smart also. And if unskilled, skilled.
As you look at these two columns, you will realize you know both experiences. This is the only way you can make comparisons, and only through comparisons can you ‘choose between’ in order to define. Accept that this is true. In this acceptance, definitions begin to fade.
If you are both, can you be either?
Think on this today, and be glad. In accepting this you release your hold on the false. In releasing your hold on the false, you open to only that which is true.
If you take the time to carefully complete the exercise suggested in the previous message, it will help you see through the mask that you carry around in your mind as you. I recommend creating the list and contemplating it to discover if you have felt/experienced the adjectives in both columns. Once you’ve done that, consider this:
If you are (or have been) both, can you be defined as either, or are all definitions false?
Here is an example of the list requested in the exercise, except your list should be modeled after how you define yourself:
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 173
Take a break.
Be still,
if only for a moment.
Feel love
and have gratitude
for everything you find
in stillness.
Do not worry
that you were not still enough.
Do not worry
that the length was too short.
Any worry is noise
that pulls you away from stillness.
Have gratitude
for whatever bit of stillness you reach,
however brief
and however fleeting.
Gratitude is love,
and in love
you extend stillness.
~From our Holy Spirit