Yesterday’s tip defined the “empty shell” as being empty of self and empty of self-will. The willingness to be empty is never an ego desire. Therefore, it is a safe desire. It is also a goal or focus that is helpful in both the purification and service phases. Therefore, it is a worthy goal for the individual who wants to awaken and realize truth.
In addition to being a worthy goal for the individual, the desire to be empty is the one individual goal that serves the whole.
Most individual goals create conflict, because most individual goals come from self-will, which is highly personal and conflicts with other persons. It is extremely fair and honest to say that all conflict comes from self-will.
The desire to be empty of self-will, however, is different. It is the only individual goal that does not create conflict, because there is no self-will in it.
As today’s reading says:
As an empty shell, you are filled by Me.
The “Me” in that sentence is the natural wisdom and love of awake consciousness. There is no selfishness in awake consciousness, because awake consciousness knows all things as its Self and loves all things as its Self. Therefore, a human vessel that is moved by awake consciousness is a vessel that serves the greatest benefit of the whole.
A human vessel that is empty serves the whole in two ways:
- It can serve at the level of dream to reduce suffering and to point toward truth.
- It serves at the metaphysical level to communicate truth throughout consciousness.
Today’s reading refers to “mind.” For example, it says:
That which has opened itself to the Spirit of God by becoming as an empty shell has made a statement unto the mind that is its own.
In this context, “mind” is the intelligent faculty in consciousness.
Everything is consciousness, but as you know, consciousness does not recognize itself as consciousness when it is focused outward on thoughts, body and world. Yet, consciousness that does not know itself as consciousness is consciousness, and its truth is communicated to itself through its intelligent or comprehension faculty whenever a part of itself realizes itself.
Today’s reading is short, but its meaning is far-reaching, since it provides an opportunity to help awaken the entire universe by choosing to become empty at the individual level.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 161
True authority is within.
True authority is the seat of knowledge.
True authority comes from the Heart of one.
The outside appears to be authority.
The outside appears to know.
Imitating the outside appears wise,
but this is appearance only.
Imitate the deep inside
by being still.
From stillness
one shall touch and know
~From our Holy Spirit