Note: If desired, watch all of Acts 13 from the Visual Bible movie, Acts.
Today’s reading tells us what to expect when we genuinely choose intuitive wisdom as our guide. Some of the things to expect include:
A unique path to follow. No two people follow the exact same path to awakening. One of the greatest mistakes people make is trying to copy another person’s way instead of tuning within to discern the guidance that is given specifically for him or her to follow.
Resistance. When you decide to let intuitive wisdom be your guide, an important decision has been made. However, it is unlikely that all value you’ve placed on thinking will immediately fall away. It will more likely fall away over time as your trust in intuitive wisdom increases. You will experience resistance to the degree that you still value thinking. As your trust and dependence on intuitive wisdom increases, resistance weakens.
To need a strong spiritual aspiration. As we have learned before, our spiritual aspiration is the most important factor on our path of awakening. As we go further along the path, this doesn’t become less true; it becomes truer.
To need trust and patience. The mind has its own expectations about how the spiritual path and guidance should unfold for you, but if the spiritual path and guidance unfolded in the way the mind expected, it would only reinforce the mind. Therefore, you can expect it to be different than what you expect. Because it will not be what you imagine, you will need trust and patience in order to let it unfold in its own way.
To let go of how you see. As you follow guidance, you will at first see things as you have always seen them. For example, you may see other people at fault for something that troubles you. All wrong-minded seeing comes from the wrong-mind, so you will need to learn to turn to guidance when you see with the wrong-mind. Ask guidance to help you see where you still believe the wrong-mind. Ask guidance to help you see with the right-mind. Be willing to journal and practice inquiry on your wrong-minded perceptions.
To let others be as they are. Just as you were free to value thinking as your guide until you changed your mind, others are free to value thinking as their guide. Others are free to believe their wrong-minded perceptions. Others are free to act from ignorance. When you respect their freedom, you respect truth, because our truth is life-awareness-freedom.
This list tells us what we can expect when we choose intuitive wisdom as our authority in the world.
Note: I recommend printing this tip for future reference.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 121
There is a flow to all things,
a harmony in action,
which you recognize when you let go
and let yourself experience the flow.
What do you let go of?
Let go of who you think you are,
and what you think you need to be happy.
Let go of how you think things
are supposed to be.
Let go of stories,
which cover up and hide
the perfection of the flow.
~From our Holy Spirit