Note: Before reading today’s tip, read Acts 1:1-11 from the Bible or watch all of Acts 1 from the Visual Bible movie. (Here is a link to the Acts movie on YouTube, chapter 1)
Yesterday’s reading described the awakening process from identification with the false self to the awake-realization of unity consciousness. It described the experience as a “merging” process.
Today’s reading points to the first step in the merging process, which is opening to guidance that seems to come from beyond yourself.
In the initial stage, guidance seems to come from beyond yourself, because you are identified with the false self. Guidance does not come from the false self. Resistance comes from the false self.
Let’s look again at what guidance is and what resistance is.
Resistance resists change. Specifically, it will cling to your identification with thought, body and personality as you.
Guidance is the highest vibrational choice available to you now. As you choose the highest vibration, you also rise in vibration. In that way, guidance is like a ladder, and by climbing that ladder you climb beyond identification with the false self to realization of unity consciousness (the I Am presence). That’s why the false self resists guidance, and that’s why guidance does not come from the false self.
Necessarily then, you must put your personal will aside and seek guidance that comes from beyond the personal self, which resists truth. Today’s reading teaches us how to do that.
Today’s reading makes another important point too. Many spiritual seekers become too attached to outer teachers and teachings. Although outer teachers and teachings can be helpful for a time, we all must become Self-reliant with our own inner spiritual wisdom. In fact, the mission of The Foundation for the Holy Spirit, which is Awakening Together’s parent organization, is:
To help individuals become Self-reliant with inner spiritual wisdom. We do this by providing resources and services beneficial to that mission.
Awakening Together is the primary resource through which this mission is accomplished. Gentle Healing is one means of accomplishing that mission. NTI is also a resource of The Foundation for the Holy Spirit.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 108
Have no expectations.
To hear the Voice for God
as it guides and directs you,
have no expectations
along the way.
Do not know
what you look upon.
Do not know
what you seek.
Do not know
what the current moment is for.
Do not know
and be open to knowledge.
~From our Holy Spirit