NTI John ends with a lovely description of the awakening process from identification with the false self to realization of unity consciousness. It describes the experience as a “merging” process. At first, we listen for guidance as if it is coming from outside of us. Then, we begin to recognize it is not coming from outside of us. Instead, it seems to move in us and through us naturally. Eventually we see ourselves as That, which we used to reach for or resist.
NTI John points out that until the merging process is complete, there will be resistance and doubt. There will also seem to be “tests,” which are situations when we are severely tempted to fall back on our old habits in order to feel safe. These “tests” do not come from truth. There aren’t any “tests” we have to pass to realize truth. The “tests” are times when the ego is screaming for us to turn away from truth. The “tests” come from our remaining resistance.
Today’s reading says:
But if you open to Me, even within your moments of doubt, the miracles that you experience will convince you that your faith is well placed, and you will continue to follow the guidance of the Light.
In other words, we are awakening to benevolence. By not returning to the ego during the “tests” of resistance, we discover the benevolence that is natural to truth, and we learn to trust it more. This positive reinforcement, which comes naturally when we do not return to our old habits, encourages us to let go of ego and merge with the light.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
NOTE: We occasionally experience trouble with posts not appearing on our website as scheduled. We know this affects those of you who use the website to access the tips before the Daily Update comes out.
In order to help you access the tip in a timely manner, I have started adding the link to the next day’s tip at the bottom of each tip. So, if the new day’s tip does not appear on the website, just open the previous day’s tip and click the link at the bottom of that tip. For example, you can open the tip for Day 107 and click the link at the bottom to go to the tip for Day 108.
Special note: The link will not work prior to 3:50am Eastern Time on the day the new tip is supposed to post.
Once the new day’s tip is open, you should be able to access the Thought of Awakening by clicking a link on the sidebar menu. (On a phone, the sidebar menu shows up at the bottom, underneath the tip.)
Thoughts of Awakening # 107
You have no obligation
except to be love.
And ‘be love’ is all that you are
and all that you can be.
You have no obligation
to see what I say is true,
but the joy of your heart
is to know you as I do.
To know that you are love
without obligation to be different than you are,
observe everything without judgment
and watch how it all unfolds.
~From our Holy Spirit