Today’s reading says:
Step into the Light fully without fear of death, and see how clearly your path is lit.
What is the “fear of death” that today’s reading speaks of?
It isn’t fear of bodily death. It is the fear of losing one’s self—one’s sense of self.
Yesterday’s tip was about the mind-made laws we live by. Again, these mind-made laws vary by individual, and they make up the filter of the individual mind. Since they make up the filter of the individual mind, that means we see and understand the world and ourselves the way we do because of these mind-made laws.
The mind likes to understand. It feels comfortable understanding. That means our individual mind-made laws are like a security blanket for the mind. That’s true, even if we suffer because of the laws we believe in.
Since the mind gets its sense of comfort from the laws, it identifies with the laws, just as a small child identifies with its security blanket or security toy.
Have you ever seen how upset a child gets if you take its security item away?
It is as if you are removing the child’s orientation to the world.
That’s how it is with the ego too. The mind feels threatened to the point of death when you start removing the laws it is oriented to.
As you get serious about letting go of mind-made laws, the ego may rebel, just like a small child rebels when you take away its security item. If you want to “step into the light fully,” you must learn to relax through ego rebellion. To step into the light fully, you need to let go of living and seeing through individual mind-made laws, even though that makes the ego extremely uncomfortable.
Unrelated note: A friend sent me a link to The Visual Bible’s Acts movie on Youtube. If you like, you can use this link to watch the movie when we get to NTI Acts.
Note for Gentle Healing Participants from Regina
On Day 108, the Gentle Healing Group will begin reading NTI Acts. One fun and informative way to read NTI Acts is to read it along with watching the movie, Acts, by Visual Bible. The movie stars Bruce Marchiano, James Brolin, Jennifer O’Neil and Dean Jones. It is directed by Regardt Van Den Bergh.
This movie’s script follows the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible exactly. There isn’t a single word added to the script for dramatization. Since the NIV Bible is the one I read when scribing NTI, that means this movie depicts the scenes I read about as I received the interpretation.
Another great thing about this movie is that the scripture reference appears as captions on the screen. That means you can watch the movie, stop it, and then read the corresponding interpretation from NTI.
This movie is not required for Gentle Healing. However, if the idea of the movie interests you, I recommend ordering it now so you will have it by the time we start reading NTI Acts.
If you get the movie, I recommend using it this way:
- Look at the tip to see what that day’s reading is.
- Watch the portion of the movie that corresponds to that day’s reading. (For example, on Day 108 watch Acts 1. Stop the movie when the scripture caption moves to Acts 2.)
- Read the tip.
- Read the daily reading in NTI.
This will add a few additional minutes to your Gentle Healing routine, but it will help bring the Bible stories alive, and it will enhance your experience of the reading and the tip. The DVD has a great feature that allows you to easily select the chapter you want to listen to each day.
If you choose to order the movie, be sure to get the DVD mentioned above. There is more than one movie about Acts.
Thoughts of Awakening # 100
Your heart is open
to the love of God.
Your mind is closed
when it busies itself
with thinking and defining,
deciding and ideas.
Leave the mind open
by listening to the heart.
It speaks too
although its Voice is quieter
and it does not use words.
The mind can put words
to the message of the heart.
When it does this,
the mind is not thinking.
It is listening.
~From our Holy Spirit