Today’s reading is a little different from the other readings in The Teachings of Inner Ramana, because it isn’t a message from Inner Ramana. Today’s reading is in my voice as I explain an understanding that I received from Inner Ramana. I couldn’t find a message to go with that understanding, so years later when creating the manuscript for publishing, I assumed there wasn’t a message. After the publisher had the manuscript in his possession and just prior to printing thousands of copies, I found the message. I rushed it to the publisher, and it was added to the end of the book as “The Missing Ramana Message.”
Today, you will read my understanding of the missing message. On Day 326, you will read the missing message. That will give you twice the opportunity to contemplate this last message from Inner Ramana.
The message is about three states of mind:
Resistor– The state of mind when we fully believe the body-mind-personality is what we are.
Doubter– The state of mind when we learn about truth and question everything we believed as resistor.
Abiding– The state of mind when we embrace truth as our reality and live from that instead of from thought.
Everyone in Gentle Healing 2 should be somewhere in the doubter phase or possibly in abiding. When the doubter phase is complete, it is natural to progress to abiding. Although the doubter phase is a natural and very important part of the spiritual path, at some point each one must let go of doubter and consciously step into abiding. The mind will always argue that you aren’t ready for that step, but at some point you are ready, and if you do not take that step when you are ready, you will stunt your spiritual maturation.
How do you know when you are ready for abiding?
When you are able to ignore mental chatter and live (think, speak & act) from intuition, you are ready for abiding. You do not need to “wake up” in order to embrace abiding. Conscious abiding could be your path of awakening. It is the path of surrender, which is also the path of living as if you are Self-realized. (Reference Day 297.)
Thoughts of Awakening # 324
There is nothing to say
when one is awakened to truth.
There is no where to go
and nothing to do.
Yet one who is awakened
may be moved by you
to say and go and do.
Your desire to awaken
will move the awakened soul,
so what you see in him
is you, truly.
~From our Holy Spirit