As we near the end of Revelation, NTI continues to interpret the final symbols in Revelation as the final awakening. In doing so, it makes an important point:
“Seek not to change that which you see, for that is to desire that you be different. Accept all that you see in glory and rejoicing, for that which you see is the mark of Heaven.”
As we saw on Day 282, Self-judgment is judging anything, since everything is consciousness.
You cannot judge your Self and awaken to your Self too. You either embrace truth as it is, or you choose illusion.
On Day 138, we learned how illusion began. There was a wish for something different than reality, and then believing-attention was given to the wish.
Awakening comes from the opposite action. Love everything exactly as it is. Accept it as consciousness, and ultimately as reality.
It isn’t what it appears to be.
It is what it is.
When we seek truth, we seek to see (know) beyond appearance to reality. When we judge, our eyes are fixed on appearance. Even worse, we don’t see the appearance clearly. We see the appearance as our mental chatter interprets it. That’s seeing an illusion of an illusion, twice removed from truth.
My favorite Bible scripture is a nice summation of today’s lesson, which is one of the final lessons that NTI leaves us with before its interpretation comes to an end.
This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
~ Psalm 118:24
Once again, we are brought to the Loving All Method as an important practice in the awakening process. The Loving All Method is important, because it is the opposite of judgment, which is the “building block of illusion.”
Optional: Review the Loving All Method.
You do not need to read from Revelation in the Bible today. You can go directly to the reading in NTI.
Thoughts of Awakening # 293
Why are you afraid to let go of thought?
Because you think thinking
is what you are.
Question what you think you are.
Ask, “What am I?”
Notice the silence.
Notice it is the truer you.
Identify with silence,
and thinking can slip away.
~From our Holy Spirit