Here is a review of the seven steps to awakening (as put forth in NTI):
- Step 1– An intense desire for awakening.
- Step 2– Seeing through the ‘mask’ of ferociousness (attack, grievance, harshness) to the false beliefs that support and sustain it.
- Step 3– Tiring of judgment.
- Step 4– Letting go of the belief that life is temporary, which is also letting go of the belief that the body-mind-personality is your reality.
- Step 5– Learning to trust all that is as it is.
- Step 6– Letting go of perception, which is letting go of thought as me.
- Step 7– Giving no meaning to anything the ego says or any experience you have as the ego dies its final death.
Each of the first six steps leads to the seventh step. Ego death is a step in itself, because that is the ego’s last chance to reclaim your attention, and it will likely use anything it can to manipulate you into returning attention to it.
If you can withstand the ego’s final temptations, a change will occur. The habitual connection between attention and mental chatter will collapse, and you will be free to see without seeing through the filter of mental chatter.
The physical world doesn’t change when you are liberated from the mind. It’s your way of seeing that changes. Instead of seeing through judgment and interpretation, you see naturally, which means you see consciousness as consciousness. Without mental chatter directing your actions and reactions, you live through spontaneous inspiration.
Here’s how Jesus described awakened inspired living in the Bible:
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” ~ John 3:8
Using the symbols from Revelation, today’s reading says:
The Sight of Spirit is a choice that you make.
It is the choice to marry the lamb.
For with this choice is innocence known,
and glory is seen through the land.
In this context, innocence isn’t the opposite of guilt. Innocence is the freedom of living through spontaneous inspiration. It is freedom from mental chatter.
Today’s reading recommends that we observe the thinking mind and see how it works. If we do not see our judgments and interpretation clearly, we remain enslaved to mental chatter. We let go of mental chatter when we see that it deceives us.
When we see that chatter deceives us, we can lose interest in it. As long as we believe it protects us, we give it our full attention.
Without the desire to be free of mental chatter, you cannot free yourself from mental chatter. The addiction to mental chatter is strongest of all human addictions. Therefore, the greatest of all desires is necessary to free yourself from mental chatter.
It is as Michael Langford describes in The Most Direct Means to Eternal Bliss:
- Eagerness for liberation must be equal to the eagerness someone who is being held underwater has for trying to rise to the surface. …
- Eagerness is another word for the desire for freedom.
- How great, how intense is the desire of someone being held underwater trying to rise to the surface. …
- Every second his desire to rise to the surface is becoming more and more intense.
- Michael Langford also writes:
- Another great key is self-honesty. …
- Self-honesty means to be 100% honest with your self, all of the time.
- Catch your ego using preservation strategies.
- Today’s reading makes the same recommendation.
Please read Revelation 19:6-9 in the Bible before reading today’s reading from NTI.
Thoughts of Awakening # 288
Truth is as it is.
To see anything else
that is different
is ego.
Ego can be benign
through the interpretation of Spirit,
but truth is as it is,
and it is never anything different.
~From our Holy Spirit