Today’s reading encourages commitment to our true desire … to our guiding intuition … to inner spiritual wisdom …. to truth.
At some point, it comes down to this:
What am I committed to?
Most people don’t notice my commitment to truth. Oh, they see the time I put into contemplation, because of these daily tips. They hear my teachings and know there’s something serious going on there, but my real commitment to truth is much more subtle than daily tips and teachings. My real commitment to truth shows up in the opinions I drop rather than fight for. It shows up when I do things someone else’s way instead of “my way.” It shows up in how I happily accept things as they are without trying to make everything please “me.” It shows up in how I have no grievances against anyone, and I let everyone be as they are without asking them to be different. It shows up in how I don’t expect anything from anyone, and how I respond to the moment as it is instead of thinking it should be different.
A real commitment to truth is subtle. It’s quiet. It appears passive, although it is actually a very active commitment.
Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.”
Meek is defined as “quiet, gentle and easily imposed upon; submissive.”
Someone who is genuinely meek in the way Jesus speaks of would agree with “quiet, gentle” and “submissive,” but would say she is never imposed upon. Only the ego can be imposed upon.
Genuine meekness is living from within—living from spiritual intuition and wisdom. It is not living from “I know.” It is not living from “I’m right.” It is not living from conditioning. And it certainly doesn’t seek recognition for itself. People who live from ego seldom notice meekness in another, and if they do notice it, they often interpret it as weakness. It takes meekness to notice, understand and appreciate meekness.
Genuine meekness is like a rare, overlooked jewel. It is those who live it that understand its value.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Thoughts of Awakening # 266
“I” as knowledge
is not the “me” of forgotten-mind,
of ignorance.
“I” as knowledge
is remembrance of the Heart
as the core of all,
as the center,
as the true “I” of everything.
To be centered in “I”
is not to be “me”.
It is to be all,
one with all
from the center.
~From our Holy Spirit