Join us at 10:15 am ET/ 8:15 am MT for Our Weekly Sunday Gathering with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Title: “The Grace to Stop.”
Description: Rev. Regina Dawn Akers will discuss an important spiritual practice: Stop! What is Stop? Regina will share what this practice is and how it is helpful to awakening.
Reading: Rev. Joanne Schneider will read an excerpt from David Carse’s book, Perfect Brilliant Stillness.
*Weekly gathering is held every Sunday morning at 10:15 am ET/8:15 am MT in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Join us after the Gathering for our Fellowship Time, hosted by Rev. George Maddox. Enter Sanctuary Here.
Join us at 1:30 pm ET/ 11:30 am MT for The Freedom Practice Sangha
If you feel called to dive deeper into this work, please join us. All are warmly welcome.
Join us at 6:00 pm ET/ 4:00 pm MT for Something Genuine with Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert facilitates this program, in which Awakening Together members and friends join together to watch and discuss TED talks that reveal the Truth of ourselves and our universe based on the actual experience of ordinary people. Their insights are genuine—not based upon theory or dogma—and give us a “man on the street” perspective on what we are coming to learn through Awakening Together.
Join us at 7:00 pm ET/ 5:00 pm MT for The Guiding Light with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Regina Dawn Akers reads selections from books by Bernadette Roberts. The purpose of this inspired book study is to learn from one who walked through the final doorway to no self, no world, no God–Only Reality.
Join us at 8:00 pm ET/ 6:00 pm MT for Random Talk by Regina
Regina leads us through an experiential investigation of the ‘I am the body’ belief, so we can discover through direct experience if that is a true or untrue idea.
Join us at 9:00 pm ET/ 7:00 pm MT for Dissolving the Ego with Sharon Slyter & Michael DeForbes
Sharon and Michael will be sharing from Helen Hamilton’s teachings and books. They will be exploring deeply what it means to dissolve the ego and see all as the already Aware/Self. Join in and listen to the deep teachings of the Northern Guru Helen Hamilton. All are welcome!
Here are direct links to join us in the Sanctuary:
Awakening Together Internet Broadcast: Listen Live on AT Radio