All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See links below to join us in the Sanctuary
Join us at 9:30 am ET/ 7:30 am MT for Contemplating Poetry Using Lectio Divina with Rev. Susan Telford
Rev. Susan Telford will be guiding us in learning the contemplative practice of Lectio Divina using poetry.
In each session, Susan will read a poem, drawing from a wide range of poets, including Rumi, Hafiz, David Whyte, Mary Oliver, John O’Donohue, and many others (including her own work), then guide participants through the four steps of Lectio Divina.
Susan shares that this direct practice is a beautiful way to connect with Inner Wisdom and obtain clarity.
Join us at 10:15 am ET/ 8:15 am MT
for Our Weekly Gathering with
Rev. Billy Sintiris
Topic: “Love’s Inner Awakening”
Description: Rev. Billy will share his personal evolution, drawing inspiration from Thomas Merton’s writings and the teachings of contemporary guru Mooji Baba. This exploration will begin with a reading of a Rumi poem by Joseph Schmitz. Billy’s journey reflects a shift towards a contemplative lifestyle, characterized by discernment and the concept of interdependent co-arising. It involves a conscious letting go of false beliefs and personal identity, adopting the role of an impartial observer rather than an active participant in life’s drama. This transformation is not learned but occurs naturally through the recognition and rejection of falsehood, allowing one to remain as a detached witness revealing that unchanging essence: the awakening of awareness.
Reading: Joseph Schmitz will read a poem by Rumi.
*Weekly gathering is held every Sunday morning at 10:15 am ET/8:15 am MT in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Join us after the Gathering for our Fellowship Time, hosted by Rev. George Maddox.
Join us at 1:00 pm ET/ 11:00 am MT for Sacred Inquiry
Rev. Shawna demonstrates the art of Sacred Inquiry in real time. Join her as she follows the guidance, questioning each layer that the thinking mind throws at her in an attempt to hide the wisdom that is inherent in us all. She is learning to go deeper into beginners’ mind with humble and honest curiosity. This is an evolving process, as she learns to feel for the vibrational level of each thought, exposing the source. She invites all listening to join her in their own Inquiry to experience the strength of this powerful spiritual practice. The original inspiration for this half-hour came from Adyashanti’s book ‘Sacred Inquiry’.
Join us at 1:30 pm ET/ 11:30 am MT for Reflections on Keys to the Kingdom Retreat – Facilitated by Rev. Kate Brennan
Retreat participants from the Keys to the Kingdom online Retreat that was facilitated by Revs. Anne Blanchard & Kate Brennan will be sharing how this retreat helped them learn to see how the ego tricks us into living from its guidance instead of spiritual intuition. They will also share how this retreat has provided them the opportunity to disregard the ego’s voice and free themselves from it.
We welcome everyone to join us!
Join us at 2:30 pm ET/ 12:30 pm MT for Qigong with Ian McArthur
In this program, we practice Qigong (Chi Kung). Qi means life energy, referring to the energy circulating through the body, and Gong means cultivation or work. The two words are combined to describe the practice to cultivate and balance life energy. By following movements (forms) and a simple breathing technique, we encourage more Qi to flow which in turn allows us to feel more peaceful and at One with ourselves.
This practice has been followed for thousands of years in order to promote balance and well-being as well as a means to encourage Spiritual Awakening. Ian’s Meditative approach to Qigong allows us to experience the many benefits of Qigong. One of the beauties of Qigong is its simplicity which makes it easier for the forms to be learned. You can start your practice at any age and begin a journey of discovery in Qigong.
Join us at 5:00 pm ET/ 3:00 pm MT for The Mighty Companions
Revs. Glen Ganaway and Yolanda Mapes, who are interfaith ministers, share a delightful, funny, and inspiring hour of A Course in Miracles. Come join in on the fun, the laughs, and the music while unlearning the ego through the lessons and chapters of ACIM.
Join us at 6:00 pm ET/ 4:00 pm MT for Enlightened Leadership: Building the Foundation – Revs. Rhoda Makled & David Hemphill
The Tao Te Ching (The Way), written by Lao-Tzu (Old Teacher), is a guide to enlightened leadership. While most people believe effective leadership lies in knowledge and power, the Tao teaches it lies in emptiness, stillness, and presence.
Awakening Together’s President-Minister, Rev. Rhoda Makled, and Rev. David Hemphill share from the Tao as they contemplate its principles in order to fully embody them. In addition to the 2 versions already being read from the Tao, the pair will also read Regina Dawn Aker’s translation of the Tao Te Ching.
Join us at 7:00 pm ET/ 5:00 pm MT for Deepening Into Clarifying the Teachings Together – Facilitated by Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
During this program, we will listen to a portion of each previously recorded “Clarifying the Teachings” program. Afterward, we will spend time contemplating and teaching ourselves what is most alive for us at the moment. We may also spend time practicing what Regina is teaching. And…we will start at the very beginning.
Bring your journals, openness, and curiosity as we explore what is most alive in us and ready to be seen. We hope you feel inspired to join.
Enter the Sanctuary or see the complete listing of speakers.
All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See helpful links below.