There is nowhere I could ever be taken where Peace does not go with me. I can not be separated. Nothing can oppose Peace, nothing can match Peace.
I have been shown fantastic bright lights and light shows, but still, my Peace remains. I care not to watch the light, only to fix my attention on Peace.
I have been given visions and have left the body, but still, Peace remained. I care not enough to watch the vision for a moment. No time to listen to its words. No patience for finding its meaning. No use for returning or not returning to my body. No idea what I was shown. I fix my attention on Peace.
I have heard the voices and reassurance of the masters. I do not acknowledge their consolation. I do not need words, Gods, or gurus. Peace is the Satguru, the only teacher I ever need. I ignore all others.
Nothing can take me from Peace. When I fall asleep, Peace is still there. It has been with me in all places, and at all times, in all my days, eternally. Every day I practice dropping these thoughts and this personality, so I may more clearly see Peace.
Like cleaning off a mirror, I will continue wiping until I see myself clearly. I am Peace. Every day, I practice letting go of thought, and fixing my attention on the absolute. It is only a matter of time until the mirror of mind is clean, and the mind reflects the Truth of the Spirit and Peace within.