What a brilliant opportunity for us all to think of one another, at our very core, our very nature, at the same time. Hello everyone, we are humanity, and this is a human theory about divine connectively and-also a divine essence of a conscious observation. This is an acknowledgement of great solutions being discovered within and throughout the grave problem because “when the solution is simple, God is answering.” -Albert Einstein
If the planet is sick,
(and the planet is sick)
then the worms that eat the earth are sick, too
and if the worms are sick,
then the birds are sick
and when the birds get sick
they poo
on the ground
and fertilize the soil
where the pigs and cows and chickens eat and
corn grows, and man farms and
man researches and man eats.
Nature has a virus and it is performing a self-cleaning balancing act,
a natural law.
The fear around it is entirely optional,
don’t we come to find that the solution most often turns out to be more beautiful than the puzzle?
in the relationship
with the lover of the unknown,
unpredictable to the ego,
at first uncomfortable, then at last, ceaseless comfort and joy.

If the planet is sick, it communicates that it needs to stop,
a broken leg stops walking,
a breakdown seeks a breakthrough,
we are the planet and we communicated this to ourselves.
With Italy and China on lock down,
the nitrogen dioxide is already significantly lower in the atmosphere,
(the harmful emission from fossil fuels fuming the air and continuously contributing to pollution we have protests against, ozone thinning, contaminated water, and climate disruption).
Ironically, we use these fuels every day to go to work to turn on the world,
which runs the world
to fight over these fuels – so yes – the air is feeling better,
thanks for asking.
Not many planes,
giant decrease in hundreds of thousands of hours of diesel gas for clouds.
If planet earth was one of those poor kids stuck in a car with the windows up when their parents smoked cigarettes, this is the child’s reaction – like – after, 70 years of not changing.
Happy air. Happy lungs.
The air needs us to be sick
to wake up,
to sit down,
so we take notice that our chronic lifestyle is poison;
and that we are also: the air, we are the burning countries.
Bentinho Massaro says, “our hate has set fire to the forests burning the koala’s feet, we are burning koala’s”.
Our greed poisons the sea,
we could be so healthy but
everything wants

The Tao Te Ching, a classic virtuous path of inner strength, 81 verses, written for rulers and emperors in fourth century BC, shepherding a way of integrity, delivers harmonized guidance to live in the world with qualities of goodness and incorruptibility. Co-existence and war-less, the Tao presents a way of life intended to reconstitute unity and tranquility, it is amity for a world oppressed by our self-perpetuated dis-ease. This practice is wisdom, a way, for leaders.
Verse #80, written by Lao Tzu, translated by Stephen Mitchell, says:
If a country is governed wisely,
its inhabitants will be content.
They enjoy the labor of their hands
and don’t waste time inventing
labor-saving machines.
Since they dearly love their homes,
they aren’t interested in travel.
There may be a few wagons and boats,
but these don’t go anywhere.
There may be an arsenal of weapons,
but nobody ever uses them.
People enjoy their food,
take pleasure in being with their families,
spend weekends working in their gardens,
delight in the doings of the neighborhood.
And even though the next country is so close
that people can hear its roosters crowing and its dogs barking,
they are content to die of old age
without ever having gone to see it.

The Tao habilitates peaceful governing by showing us:
within the core of our very nature, by being content,
great power dwells and balances people naturally.
The intellectual phenomenon of the Western mind
this (un)desirable successful hierarchy of a corporate planet
produced a love triangle of simultaneity: pride, fear, and control.
We have maxed out at 499 on Dr. Hawkins chart of consciousness,
megalomania abounds, transcendence awaits.
3rd, 4th, 5th dimension.
Our brothers and sisters have a God-sized-void
external fixtures
can no longer touch.
Marianne Williamson says “Return to Love” and I say
then go even further,
return to zero, before love had a name, before you had a face,
return to you
we all had such an opinion about it.
This is the inner pulse
of the opportunity
we are all submerged in.
To see
that all knowledge is a form of ignorance
is itself a movement of reality,
“renounce this phenomenal world”
– we have been taught for centuries by the sages and masters,
the Self will be gained,
the pure blue sky of grace
free from sorrow
is innately yours.

Corona means crown in Spanish,
in Latin, it signifies the plasma aura around the sun, the “sun’s corona” so to speak.
This virus started in China, and each continent is associated, energetically, with a chakra, the seven chakras,
in China,
specifically Mt. Kailash,
standing 21,778 ft tall
(2+1+7+7+8=25, 2+5=7),
symbolizes the crown chakra
(7th chakra) of our planet.
The crown on our body is our head; we are collectively (the planet, the cosmos, the animals, the elements, the trees, the people) demanding through the one consciousness to have this bridge energy connection between what survives and what dies, what is eternal, what is temporary, what is real and unreal, what is human what is divine.
This higher bright clearer conscious energy
wants to be sourced by us.
We are cutting ourselves off
from our Self,
suffocating in a clouded hallucination of confusing illusions.
“These are dark times, there is no denying.” -The Minister of Magic, Harry Potter.

In order to live with a connection to our highest good guiding our thoughts, emotions and behaviors,
our bodies and minds will have to go through the dark knight of the soul experience,
the Harrowing of Hell, Voldemort and Harry’s Resurrection, The Odyssey,
the Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Plato’s Cave of shadows and puppeteers, inviting the now realized ability to turn your chained head – the stark transition into a more expansive, unitive life experience. i.e., pandemic.
During this time the feeling of being lost or dark or confused is met with a deep yearning for something bigger and truer, collectively compassionate, globally respected, co-existent idealism meets passionate devotion for a life where“everything is a miracle.” – Einstein

This period demands us
to break the systems and conditions
of our old thought systems
and lope
into a new unknown of superior potential
from a more expansive,
unlimited resource.
To upgrade our faith to go beyond the logic,
beyond Newtonian thinking of reductions and determinism,
materialism and reflection based on knowing “things and stuff”,
beyond what all religions best efforts attempt to say
but what they unconfidently point to,
behind the words of good ideas and
half-measured explanations,
lives the undying, ceaseless, mysterious imperishable ISNESS
within us all,
the human agency of valued life through intuition and creativity – our true north, our god, our safety, our eternity, Lord not with-out but within.
Our heart IS the common thread,
our quiet mind,
our stillness,
gives birth
genius “material”
in its
paradoxical vortexual
rapid-slow movement.
It provides us with the answers we need.
In the quantum fields above the battleground of despair, fear, anger and regret,
sanity is restored,
confusion fades,
and peace engulfs.
Inspiration and forgiveness supersede.

Our human limitations
and divine explorations
can dance and transcend,
this corona is playing the music for us to connect all the dots.
We have the answers, now more than ever;
but do we have the integrity
to admit
that our very fear of being disloyal to the ego-state-mind
perpetuates the worship of the seven deadly sins
more than the “attempted action”
of beholding the beatitudes?
What if we admit our belief system and churches rest in the story of Plato more than the cosmic consciousness of Jesus?
True humility is joyful.
If your “familiar” hurts you, can you change your mind?
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” —Joseph Campbell

What if we are being called
to this wonderful ascension
to live WITHIN what theory has always suggested?
What if this calling
is reversing our motion to
say YES to what we have been denying to ourselves
and NO to what we have been a slave to saying yes to?
What if the
is to cultivate a connection
to your own unlimited supply of life.
Nature is pointing us to the sun as the most gigantic symbolism to start resourcing from an unlimited fountain of pure positive energy. i.e. Tesla.
Nature says, “Watch! Watch what I’m trying to show you!”
Do you wake up in the morning and tell your stomach to be hungry
or ask your heart to beat itself?
The ears know how to listen and we call it sound,
we know how to see, dissect the retina and show me happening.
Can you verb your day like a cicada?
The body knows how to do
what it does
automatically for us,
so let nature have some of this
similar control
back, it knows us better
than we do right now
and always.
Rest. Allow nature.
As Tom Robbin’s says, “The only authority I respect is the one that causes butterflies to fly south in fall and north in springtime.” Amen
We are going through a reboot
and a drastic internal change —
a greater more aware consciousness is upon us,
spiritual radiation, self-love, and clarity;
everything we’ve wanted through escapism and addiction
is within this global flare
of unconditional recognition from Source,
spiritual solution – the air, the water, needed a break,
we are 60% water and this is our air to breathe;
please, planet family, see the connection.

The worldly system collapse
f u s e d with internal survival from divine essence
merged with our brilliant inherent nature
would transform living and surviving
into a Taoist solar provided lifestyle,
humanity would shift the priority and
perspective of life and society.
The mission would be globally restorative, regenerative, and sane.
The distorted manipulation and corruption
would be faulty fast and socially transparent
because the corona within
and now manifested externally
outshines worldly limited resources.
Humanity will innately line up with nature
and create proper power
and sober control
toward an experience of life which is rewarding and fruitful.
The service of self and others will be mutually recognized on a base level
and acting from this starting place will feel more at ease.
Do you remember the story of Moses,
the laws, the mountain, failure, and glory?
Moses broke the first copies of the law,
went back up the mountain and gave them another go around.
The Dali Lama proclaims,
“Learn and obey the rule’s very well, so you will know how to break them.”
It isn’t until the first understanding of law and order fails and disappoints us
that we can come to an honest face to face encounter with divine law,
the same order which transitions winter to spring,
blinks our eyes when we don’t think,
waters the earth when the clouds burst — and so — without our puny input,
this is the same order that lives within us
and can enliven a civilization.

We had to get sick
these lower levels of living,
to kill off,
this distorted darkness of external immortality.
We were not stopping our
self-destructive, sabotaging, wealth-over-health mentality
any other way.
Just like addicts are illuminated
through the shadows of the darkest hours
and deep surrender,
Saints share their testimonies,
so did nature just sneeze and cough all over itself,
it created a gross, deadly, new bacteria in response to needing a fever
just to scorch the accumulated wrecked toxins.
We are at the end of tolerating our venomous mindful ways and words,
our processed food,
our vacant little lives
which wait for a fantasy retirement
in a future too old and sick to enjoy.
The world is septic but it will renew.
Better times are ahead after
this collective necessary suffering.
Saint Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:10 comforts our dismantled projection: “It is when I am weak, that I am strong.” And it is when we understand the empowerment of what powerlessness entails that we become able to endure great paradoxical strength. A trans logical experience, unburdening our senses from duality.

Father Richard Rohr reaffirms in his written word below that this
immutable cycle of broken structures
is an external affair,
held together
by a temporary system
of false security and
not faith, not the steady, still, unaffected, nurturing place that is never harmed, never broken.
Every unawakened person, place, situation
is encapsulated within a belief system
in a world
being smothered by recycled oxygen
and we have temporarily forgotten the purity of
awareness’ love of primordial existence ….. “I exist”,
unaffected, primarily sustaining,
poke a hole in the bubble.
Exhale, b r e a t h e .
Rohr says, “The loss and renewal pattern is so constant and ubiquitous that it should hardly be a secret at all. Yet it is still a secret, probably because we don’t want to see it. Normally a job, fortune, or reputation has to be lost, a death has to be suffered, a house has to be flooded, or a disease has to be endured. The pattern in fact is so clear that one has to work rather hard, or be intellectually lazy, to miss the continual lesson.
He goes on to bog our memories with Scott Peck’s (1978) awesome book, The Road Loss Traveled, saying that “most people were just spiritually lazy. And when we are lazy, we stay on the path we are already on, even if it is going nowhere. It is the spiritual equivalent of the second law of thermodynamics: everything winds down unless some outside force winds it back up. True spirituality could be called the “outside force,” although surprisingly it is found “inside.”

So here we are,
everything is on fire,
we are infected at
we are all going into
collective meltdown,
but with charisma and trust,
this incubation of solitude, meditation and contemplation
can be used for
recovery and longevity.
We had this chance at 9/11,
to unite,
but fear won, again,
please do it better.
When we go within, we enlighten,
even truer,
when we disconnect from the external stimulation,
we can more powerfully
the magnetic changes of magnitude
that are really needed to
connect a grand universal totality — because this homo-sapian interlacing divine essence activates your personal crown, your corona, your healing is the world’s healing
because we are all Oneship on the S(u)n planet.
Turn the soldiers into farmers,
offices into greenhouses,
if the “world-stuff” leaders and
the “spiritual-stuff” leaders could come together now,
we could bridge our hearts to home
and make a