“Why do people call me learned? What is the mark of real learning? Learning that all garnered knowledge of things is empty ignorance and that true knowledge is the search for the knower.” ~ Ramana Maharshi
Real learning is knowing garnered knowledge of things is empty ignorance, and true knowledge is in the search for the knower. All phenomena which arise and fall are empty, while only the unmoving is true. All thoughts, feelings, concepts, ideas, words, and images are phenomena. Infinite-awareness-love-bliss -consciousness (Awareness) is the unmoving. Because phenomena always fall away, learning through phenomena is “empty ignorance;” because Awareness is unmoving, Awareness alone is true knowledge.
The search for the knower refers to Awareness. The search for the knower is an action of inward looking, where attention is focused on the background of consciousness. This practice is sometimes called “Awareness Watching Awareness,” “Inquiry,” “Meditation,” “Contemplation,” or “Prayer.” During this practice, the mind shifts attention away from the ever-changing barrage of mental images and thoughts, and focuses the shifted attention onto the background of consciousness. When Ramana refers to this practice as true knowledge, he is pointing to the result of the practice, which is an (sometimes subtle) awareness of Awareness itself. Ramana acknowledges true knowledge to be awareness of Awareness, or just “Awareness.”
Ramana also explains all learning through phenomena is empty ignorance. All things which arise at some point in time, will again disappear at some point in time. Every visible object of consciousness will fall away, however pure, sweet, and joyful (or raucous, bitter, and sorrowful) the arising phenomenon may be. Because all garnered knowledge is a visible object of consciousness, and thus subject to falling away, the knowledge is empty ignorance. At any moment in time garnered knowledge can become empty. To invest in the temporary is ignorance.
The eternal Awareness alone is true knowledge. Awareness is never subject to falling away, whatever the circumstances, but has always and will always persist as the unmoving reality through which all possibilities occur. Because Awareness is immutable, immune to the rise and fall of phenomena, Awareness can be seen as the only true knowledge.
Real learning is knowing garnered knowledge of things is empty ignorance, and true knowledge is in the search for the knower. The practice of investigating Awareness results in true knowledge, while pining about all other things results in empty ignorance.