Awakening Together accepts donations to pay for improvement projects at the Retreat House in La Veta, Colorado. La Veta is a unique mountain valley south of Pueblo, Colorado. More information …
Thank you for your donations. All donations are tax deductible for US citizens under IRS code 501(c)(3). There are two ways to donate:
1. Send a check, e-check or money order to the address below. Write “Retreat House” in the memo and 100% of the donated funds will go towards the retreat house.:
Awakening Together
54441 Bryce Canyon Trail
Macomb, MI 48042-6109
2. Donate via credit card, debit card or your PayPal account.
Note: When you click Donate or Subscribe, you will leave the Awakening Together website and go to PayPal. Data collected by PayPal is governed by the PayPal Privacy Policy.