Resolving for Truth
An Online Retreat
Jan 10-12, 2025
with Anne Blanchard
What does “resolving for truth” mean? To resolve is to “decide firmly on a course of action.” In this retreat, you will learn to determine a course of action that is perfect for you now as you take your next step toward spiritual awakening. We will begin with your highest spiritual purpose—the spiritual aspiration, determine the best next steps towards achieving that purpose, and then break those steps down into achievable spiritual objectives. The process that we will use is practical, intuitive and guided by inner spiritual intuition. After following the achievable plan that you will develop at this retreat, you will be able to see advancement in your own personal spiritual progress. This retreat will be facilitated by Anne Blanchard.
Retreat Schedule
The retreat will begin at 10am ET (8am MT) and end at 5pm ET (3pm MT) each day. A 2-hour lunch period will be provided beginning around 1pm ET (11am MT).
Registration Closes on Jan 5th at 5pm ET
Retreat Fee: $180
$50 non-refundable deposit required
Scholarship Information