Awakening Together will begin playing The Seven Steps to Awakening Audios with Regina Dawn Akers on May 2 at 8 pm ET. These recordings will be played in the Sanctuary on the 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sundays of the month from 8 – 9 pm ET / 6 -7 MT.
In this series of teachings, which began in 2012, Regina Dawn Akers shares her contemplation of the quotes compiled by Michael Langford in The Seven Steps to Awakening. The Seven Steps to Awakening is a powerful collection of quotes on the subject of how to directly experience the true Self, whose nature is Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss, and how to bring the impostor self, its tricks, and all suffering to a final end in this lifetime.
Plan to join us for a rediscovery of the timeless wisdom that came through Regina Dawn Akers as she shared her profound journey with this powerful book.