Join us for a brand new ongoing program Shiny Things – Finding Truth Through the Path of Raja (Royal) Yoga with Rev. Claire Bhavani. This program will be in the Sanctuary every other week beginning Sunday, January 14, 2024, from 9:30 -10 am/7:30-8 am MT.
What is Truth? And how do we find it in a life that is pushed and pulled around by the cravings, aversions, and ignorance of the human mind and senses? There can be no confusion about where to start, for it is all laid out within the eight limbs of Raja yoga, as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Shiny Things provides practical guidance to apply the path of Raja Yoga in daily life, relieving suffering and accessing an inner sparkle, within a supportive group environment. It includes consideration of how we conduct ourselves in the world, how we relate to our spiritual practices, appropriate care of the body and vitality, a gradual quieting of the mind and senses, throwing out what is false, and glimpsing what is True.
We will initially use the book by Bhava Ram: The Eight Limbs of Yoga, Pathway to Liberation, as an introductory guide. If you don’t have the book, you can still join us. Later in the year, we will commence a deeper immersion into a full commentary of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.