Releasing the ‘I Am Bad’ Belief
An Online Retreat
Fri-Tues ~ June 27-July 1
with Anne Blanchard
and Cyndi Krupp
What is the ‘I Am Bad’ Belief?
A Course in Miracles calls it “guilt.” The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI) calls it “unworthiness.” Regina Dawn Akers simply calls it the “I am bad” belief.
No matter what you call it, it is an untrue belief, most likely adopted in early childhood, which drives actions and reactions in nearly all humans. People make life decisions that they wouldn’t otherwise make because of this belief’s influence. This belief is the primary cause of stress, annoyance, anger, jealousy and other types of mental and emotional suffering. If you release this one belief, your life will be happier, and you will feel much freer than you do with the belief.
The ‘I am Bad’ belief is unconscious for some and somewhat conscious for others, but until it is brought fully into consciousness, the belief cannot be eradicated.
This retreat will focus solely on how to release the ‘I am bad’ belief. If you come, you will learn what you need to learn to be set free!
This retreat was designed by Regina Dawn Akers, who has transcended the ‘I am Bad’ belief. She developed the retreat to show the way, so we can release the belief too. Join in a collaborative effort to root out and transcend this pesky, persistent belief.
Whether this is the first time you’re taking this retreat or the 3rd time you will find that spending time in the foundational teachings helps to bring to life in direct experience what you may not have been ready for before.
Retreat Schedule
The retreat will begin at 10am ET (8am MT) and end at 5pm ET (3pm MT) each day. A 2-hour lunch period will be provided beginning about 1pm ET (11am MT).