Ramana Maharshi was born on December 30, 1879 in a village in Tamil, India. His father died when he was twelve, and he went to live with his uncle. At age 16, he experienced a sudden and extreme fear of death to which he responded by immediately seeking the truth of the Self and became Self-realized. Six weeks later he followed an inner calling and ran away to India’s holy hill, Arunachala, where he remained for the rest of his life. For years he was a silent ascetic. He spent many hours each day deep in samadhi. Years later he emerged from silence to share the wisdom of the True Self with those who came seeking it. Before the end of his life in 1950, thousands of people had come to him from all over the world. Ramana Maharshi became known as one of the greatest saints to have ever graced this planet with Presence.
Join us as we contemplate the teachings of this great sage. We will also read stories about about him told by the people who knew him best.
In this course you will:
- Consider the legend, the living example and the teachings of a great sage and determine what is most helpful to one’s own spiritual process.
- Practice self-inquiry in order to distinguish between what is and is not the Self.
- Practice removing attention from the non-Self and placing it with the Self using a spiritual practice that is most suited for you now.
Purpose:The purpose of this course is to introduce the participant to the spiritual teaching of one of the great sages of the twentieth century, Ramana Maharshi.
Course Duration: 6 weeks
Course Starting Dates: July 15, 2024
Homework Begins: July 15, 2024
Last Day of Course: August 25, 2024
Facilitators: Revs. Kate Brennan OR Cyndi Krupp
Individual Homework Time Commitment: One hour per day five days per week plus 15 minutes per day two days per week. An instructional video will also be posted after each week’s homework is completed.
Structure of Course: Forum
Textbook needed: The textbook needed is The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi.
Registration closes: July 10, 2024 @ 5 p.m. ET
Registration Fee: $180
For more information on this class, click here.