Rev. Christy was shocked into spiritual recognition. In 2010, the “I am bad” belief emerged in her journaling. Unexpected, disturbing, upsetting, its message was jarring. What was this voice? Where did it come from?
After this startling cry for spiritual connection, Rev. Christy embarked upon her deep spiritual journey. Becoming a licensed Religious Science Practitioner in 2014, she has since mentored spiritual aspirants in purification practices and Inner Truth realizations. Yet 2018 became a pivotal year. Not only did Rev. Christy become a Religious Science Minister, but shortly thereafter she attended a life-changing retreat in the Poconos. Sponsored by her spiritual center, this gathering was offered by Regina Dawn Akers. Within a year, Rev. Christy was immersed in the Gentle Healing and MPP programs. Ordained recently as an Awakening Together minister, Rev. Christy mentors those who seek their Inner Wisdom. She also facilitates MPP classes, shares intuitive insights in Awakening Together Sunday Gatherings, and in her writings as well.
Spiritual Wisdom is alive in us. Yet sometimes we find ourselves blocked in knowing Truth. We may not recognize our Intuitive Guidance. We may need assistance engaging in a spiritual practice, or in recognizing the truth in a spiritual teaching. Rev. Christy’s mission is to support those who seek assistance in the next step of their spiritual journey. In willingness, trust, and surrender, and through inquiry, contemplation, and Awareness, Rev. Christy nurtures those who wish to enter the Spiritual Heart, wherein abides the True Self, and through which Wisdom is known.