Join Us On The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of Every Month In The Sanctuary
Have you been contemplating The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI) 500 days curriculum? Are you on Day 1 or Day 401 or anything between? If so, Kelly Barber, Rhoda Makled and Joanne Schneider would like to invite you to join them in the sanctuary for their program “500 Days Contemplating NTI” on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.
We are changing the format slightly. Moving from sharing only where we started on January 8th to inviting everyone, no matter where you are in your contemplation to join and share what is most alive for you. No matter if you are on day 22 or day 322, we invite you to join us and share the insights, challenges and breakthroughs that are currently alive within you!
If you’re new to the curriculum here’s more information about the program. Regina Dawn Akers, developed this free self-study spiritual curriculum for people with very busy lives. If you don’t have a lot of available time, but you are serious about spiritual awakening, this may be the curriculum for you! If you haven’t begun yet, here’s a link to Begin the First 100 Days.
500 Days with NTI requires only a minimal amount of formal “sit down” practice. You’ll read approximately 1 page of NTI on most days. Occasionally you’ll read more. You’ll have one spiritual education assignment each weekend, which will typically take about 30 minutes to an hour. Sometimes it may take a little longer. After a certain point in the curriculum, you’ll be asked to meditate briefly on a daily basis (can you do 15 minutes?), and you’ll be asked to write every now and then.
Altogether, it will take about 30-40 minutes on most days. It’s designed so you can break that up into 15-20 minutes in the evening and 15-20 minutes in the morning if that suits your schedule best.
If It Doesn’t Take a Lot of Time, How Does it Work?
500 Days provides daily exercises that you can do as you work, socialize, clean house, do yard work, work out, play, etc. It’s a course that goes with you wherever you go!
Regina jokingly calls this curriculum, “super gentle healing.” However, don’t let the nickname fool you. Although 500 Days doesn’t take a lot of time each day, it is incredibly targeted and carefully designed by inspiration to help you achieve clarity and inner peace in this lifetime. You might even wake up to the true Self.
Is It For Me?
500 Days is perfect for most people. It is not recommended for people who are currently in Year 1 or Year 2 of Gentle Healing. It is also not recommended for people who are currently taking Awakening Together’s Minister Preparation Program (MPP). 500 Days could be combined with Year 3 of Gentle Healing if you have time for both.
Whether you’re deep into the curriculum or just beginning, Joanne, Kelly and Rhoda would love for you to join them on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. ET in the sanctuary on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.