Join Audrey Whitehead at 5:30-6 p.m. ET, the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, in a new program called Journaling with the Untethered Soul. In this program, Audrey will share from the book, “The Untethered Soul Guided Journal,” to guide us through a deeper understanding of our relationship to our minds, our emotions, and our inner energies.
You don’t need the book to join in, but if you decide you want to purchase the book, it is available on Amazon. Please remember to use and choose Awakening Together as the charity that you would like your shopping to support.
Audrey will be reading quotes and journaling prompts from the Guided Journal. We will then share together what comes up for us. At the end of the 30 minute program, we will take away a quote or two to journal on for the two weeks in between meetings. We will share about our journaling experience during the next Journaling with the Untethered Soul program.