Join Joseph Schmitz for his new program, Devotional Nonduality. It debuts Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 at 2:00pm ET/12:00pm MT. This program will be in the Sanctuary weekly on Wednesdays, from 2:00 pm -2:30 pm ET/12:00 pm-12:30 pm MT.
Joseph invites us to delve deeper into the unknown, embracing the journey with curiosity, love, and trust.
Dr. Hawkins wrote that “…the essential required qualities needed for following the pathway of nonduality are humility, surrender, and devotional dedication to the pathway.”
Awakening Together is an assembly of equals joined in a common purpose: awakening to one true Self. While many teachings remind us that we already are that Self—unchanging, whole, and complete—why does it often feel so difficult to live from that as our direct experience?
One suggestion is that it is due to the fear of the unknown. No matter how challenging the circumstances of life might be, it’s still mostly familiar territory in that it’s “my” life, these are “my” circumstances, and this is “my” territory.
Exploring unknown territories can be both dangerous and adventurous. We will journey ever deeper into the unknown guided by the wisdom of spiritual teachers such as Dr. David Hawkins, Angelo Dilullo, Regina Dawn Akers, Adyashanti, as well as the insights found in music, poetry, and the intuitive wisdom within us all.
Weekly on Wednesdays, 2:00-2:30pm ET / 12:00-12:30pm MT
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