These songs came to Resta Burnham from Within as she contemplated the teachings of A Course in Miracles. There are 13 volumes in all! Regina sees the Music of Christ as one of her first spiritual teachers. She used the songs as a form of meditation and as gentle guides when she needed assistance during the purification phase of the spiritual path.
We are very pleased to share Resta’s music with you!
Volume 9 Songs: 1) I am a Song, 2) You can’t fool me, 3) Are You Willing?, 4) Lucid Dream, 5) Garden of Christ, 6) Shine, 7) Beautiful Mind, 8) The Nursery, 9) Mercy, 10) It’s So Beautiful, 11), You and Me, Babe, 12) Look Up, Look Up, 13) Mirror, Mirror, 14) We Are One, 15), Sanctuary, 16) You Can Trust, 17) So Now Return
If you enjoy these songs and find them helpful, you can download them individually or by Volume on Resta’s website, Journey of the Mind. You can also find written copies of the lyrics on Resta’s website. Music of Christ is given freely without copyright restriction.