Whether this is your first exploration of inner space, or you’ve devoted your life to the inward journey, this course can transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you. By tapping into the tradition of mindfulness, discover how the development of conscious awareness can enable you to dwell in the present moment and heal the painful thoughts and memories that block Self-realization. You’ll discover what you can do to purify from habitual energy patterns that limit your consciousness.
In this class you will learn to:
- Discern purification practices that are helpful whenever one feels upset.
- Practice purification in one’s daily life, as applicable.
Course Duration: 4 weeks
Course Section Times & Starting Dates: Tuesdays, 10 am-12 pm ET beginning May 3 (Facilitator: Rev. Carl Lammers) OR Wednesdays, 6-8 pm ET, beginning May 4. (Facilitator: Rev. Christy Goldsmith)
Homework Begins: Tuesday Section; April 26 OR Wednesday Section; April 27
Last Day of Course: Tuesday Section; May 24 OR Wednesday Section; May 25
Facilitators: Revs. Carl Lammers OR Christy Goldsmith
Individual Homework Time Commitment: Five days per week, 45 minutes – 1 hour per day, plus exercises throughout the day.
Structure of Course: Four weekly 2-hour sessions
Textbook needed: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer — If you make your book purchase through Amazon Smile and select Awakening Together as your designated charity, a small portion of your purchase will be donation to Awakening Together
Format: Classes will be held live on a Zoom Link weekly.
Holiday Breaks: No breaks are scheduled
Cost: $120
Registration closes: April 20, 2022
For more information on this class, click here.