Joy Bedford will be facilitating a Laughter Yoga program in the Sanctuary this coming Wednesday, June 14th at 12:30 pm ET.
Joy will lead us in a Laughter Yoga session. She is currently enrolled in the program as taught by a medical doctor in India, Dr. Madan Kataria. Her inspiration is to share fun and laughter-inducing prompts to help induce serotonin-inducing laughter.
Sustained laughter of 10-15 minutes really helps the respiratory, immune, nervous, and cardiovascular systems, and serotonin production in the gut and the brain.
Laughter Yoga is not like traditional pose/asana-based yoga. You can be in any position whether in a chair or on the floor. All that is needed is to bring your willingness to try something fun and new in order tap into our inner joy guru.
Come laugh with Joy!
If you would like more information about Laughter Yoga International and what they teach, visit their website here:
Laughter Yoga International – Health, Happiness and World Peace