Keys to the Kingdom: Freedom from the Ego
An Online Retreat
A six-day retreat held over three weekends:
Saturdays and Sundays, April 10 &11, 17 & 18 and 24 & 25
with Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
To the degree that you are unaware of ego, you are a slave to ego. It speaks in your mind as you, and you think it is you, so you talk, feel and act based on its deception. The way to become free of ego is, first and foremost, to become aware of its messages.
At this retreat,we will learn how to access and live from an enlightened part of the unconscious mind instead of being driven by unevaluated egoic programs that are stored in the subconscious.
You see, the subconscious mind is filled with programs that were formed in the past and are reused in the present. Some of these programs are helpful, like the ones that enable us to walk, talk or read without having to think about how to walk, talk or read. However, the vast majority of subconscious programs are not helpful. In fact, it’s fair to say they are damaging.
At the same time, the subconscious isn’t the only “unconscious” part of the mind. The super conscious is also part of the unconscious, but the super conscious is very different from the subconscious. Whereas the vast majority of the subconscious is harmful, the super conscious is pure and not pre-programmed, which means it isn’t stuck in the past. It is intuitive present moment wisdom, which has direct access to absolute (divine) knowledge.
At this retreat you will learn how to undo the egoic subconscious & access the unparalleled intelligence of the superconscious!
This retreat will be led by Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert and will emphasize skills that help you transcend ego and recognize inner wisdom as the Voice that makes you happy.
Retreat Schedule
This six-day retreat will be held over three consecutive weekends: April 10 & 11, April 17 & 18, and April 24 & 25. The retreat will begin at 10am ET (8am MT) and end at 5pm ET (3pm MT) each day. A 2-hour lunch period will be provided beginning at about 1pm ET (11am MT).
Registration closes April 7.