What do you want? What do you really want? What is the aim of your spiritual practice? What is the purpose? What is your purpose? We ask because we are embarking on a new weekly practice in the sanctuary, the purpose of which is for you to have a direct experience of the truth of what you are. The very good news is that you cannot, not be the Truth of what you are. Truth doesn’t go away because we don’t know it, can’t see it, or don’t presently experience it.
If you are interested in exploring your own blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, to the Truth of what you are, you are warmly invited to join us.
The practice is intensive, direct self-inquiry. The format is partner assisted contemplation, commonly referred to as dyads, which means two.
The day is Saturday and the time of the practice is 1 to 3 PM ET. You can join for either the first hour, the second hour, or for both depending on the time available in your schedule.
No prior experience is necessary. An introduction and overview will be given at the beginning of each hour.
This program will be facilitated by Anne Blanchard who welcomes any questions or inquiries. You may email her through Awakening Together at AwakeningTogetherOffice@gmail.com. We look forward to embarking on this new practice with you.