Join us for our next Movie Watcher’s Group which will be facilitated by Jan Lonnquist on Sunday, January 26th, 2025, at 8 pm ET/6 pm MT.
The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is a 2024 Netflix documentary and Sundance Film Festival winner for Best Director and Audience Award.
When Norwegian gamer Mats Steen died at age 25, his parents mourned what they thought was his isolated life. It was only once they had access to his blog that they discovered the deep friendships he created virtually before passing away from a degenerative muscular disease. They were unaware that Mats had long been leading a vibrant digital life that had left a profound impact on a community of fellow gamers.
The film takes us on a journey through the breadth of Mats Steen’s adventurous online
life, introducing us to Ibelin, his charismatic World of Warcraft persona. Through reconstructed animated moments from Mats’ gameplay, narrated entries from his blog
and interviews with people who knew him as Ibelin, a picture of a remarkable young man emerges, one that underscores how community and soulful relationships can transcend the boundaries of the physical world.
Jan shares why she chose this film: This film “blew” my mind” on so many levels. It has many profound and thought provoking spiritual themes to contemplate. The film presentation itself is amazing, evoking emotional power by the bringing together of the virtual and physical worlds. The film beautifully captures the unexpected ways people can connect in the digital world.
It shines a new light on gaming for people like myself who through lack of knowledge and experience, have adopted a bias against gaming culture before they have seen the whole picture. It can be said that tech platforms set out to addict and exploit young minds and yet they can be a lifeline for some individuals who find themselves isolated “in real life.” (IRL means “in real life” and is an internet term used to distinguish something happening offline or in the physical world from something happening online or in a virtual space.)
This movie shows the power that lies in caring, being kind, showing respect and listening to others. It also illustrates beautifully the value of allowing ones self to be vulnerable with others and that fear of self exposure can be counterproductive. And, so, so much more…
Please refer to the Playlist for many spiritual themes and discussion prompts. Playlist for The Remarkable Life of Ibelin
The Remarkable Life of Ibelin can be watched on Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Movie Trailer for The Remarkable Life of Ibelin