Join us for a new program called: SOMETHING GENUINE.
If you have ever watched a Ted talk on YouTube, you will appreciate their unique format and content. Speakers at TED events have a maximum of 18 minutes to share their messages, which are delivered in highly polished, succinct speeches. These talks are often humorous, poignant and informative. In this program, we will watch and discuss TED talks that reveal the Truth of ourselves and our universe based on the actual experience of ordinary people. Their insights are genuine—not based upon theory or dogma—and give us a “man on the street” perspective on what we are coming to learn through Awakening Together. We expect this to be a fun and illuminating program.
Plan to join us for this program on Sundays, 6-7 pm ET, beginning September 8.
Also, feel free to suggest TED talks for the program. Send suggestions to: