Welcome to reginadawnakers.com on awakening-together.org
Regina Dawn Akers is the founder of Awakening Together. On this page, learn how to find both Regina’s teachings and details about her retreats. Please scroll down to find all of this information and more.
About Regina’s teachings:
Regina’s teachings were recorded between May 2005 and the present. As a result, an evolution has occurred between the earlier teachings and now. There are differences in the teachings over time including different language and different emphasis. However, all of the teachings point in one consistent direction. The teachings document the steps one woman took from the beginning of the spiritual path to current realization.
Links to Regina’s audio teachings:
- The Guiding Light, Inspired Book Study
- Clarifying the Teachings
- I Am That
- Enlightened Leadership: Tao Te Ching
- Tao Te Ching with Regina Dawn Akers
- NTI Study Group
- The Seven Steps to Awakening
- The Teachings of Inner Ramana Audios
- The Early Teachings
- Awakening at Home Mini-Series
Regina No Longer Teaches Live Online:
Regina no longer regularly teaches in Awakening Together’s online Sanctuary. However on occasion she does share on Sunday’s as the residing Minister over our regular Weekly Gathering. To find out when she is sharing, please see our Sanctuary Schedule. Learn how to Enter the Sanctuary.
Retreats with Regina:
For information about Awakening Together’s retreats, including retreats with Regina, see Retreats & Pilgrmages on the menu bar above or click here.
Related Links:
Courses Written by Regina:
Regina does not do one-on-one coaching. Instead, she’s developed three curriculums that you can commit to as a source of guidance. Each curriculum is designed to guide you to realization. We don’t recommend taking all three at the same time. It doesn’t matter which curriculum you take first. We do recommend beginning at the beginning of a curriculum and taking it all the way through to the end.
Curriculum #1 – Awakening Together’s Minister Preparation Program (MPP):
This is a 2-year curriculum. At the end of the curriculum, you can be ordained as an Awakening Together minister or not, as you feel guided. The curriculum can be taken with a virtual class in Zoom or through the online Awakening Together Forum. An Awakening Together minister facilitate’s each MPP course. The facilitator’s role is to point in the direction of increased realization. The facilitator follows a facilitator’s guide, which was written by Regina as part of this curriculum. Participants receive a participant workbook with each of the 16 courses in the curriculum. The workbooks were developed by Regina as day-by-day guides for participants. There is a fee for MPP.
Curriculum #2 – Consistent Gentle Healing:
This is a 3-year curriculum. It can be taken as self-study or as part of an online group led by a facilitator. The crux of the curriculum are “tips” written by Regina as day-by-day guides for participants.
The first year is focused on A Course in Miracles Workbook for Students.
The second year is focused on Thoughts of Awakening: 365 Thoughts for Contemplation, The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI), and The Teachings of Inner Ramana.
The third year is focused on teachings from Yoga Vasistha, Sankara, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargdatta Maharaj, and realized devotees.
Gentle Healing is free. As a self-study, it can be completed at your own pace.
Learn more about Gentle Healing.
Curriculum #3 – 500 Days with NTI:
This is a free self-study spiritual curriculum for people with very busy lives. 500 Days with NTI requires only a minimal amount of formal “sit down” practice. You’ll read approximately 1 page of NTI on most days. Occasionally you’ll read more. You’ll have one spiritual education assignment each weekend, which will typically take about 30 minutes to an hour. Sometimes it may take a little longer. After a certain point in the curriculum, you’ll be asked to meditate briefly on a daily basis (can you do 15 minutes?), and you’ll be asked to write every now and then.
All together, it will take about 30-40 minutes on most days. It’s designed so you can break that up into 15-20 minutes in the evening and 15-20 minutes in the morning, if that suits your schedule best.
Regina jokingly calls this curriculum, “super gentle healing.” However, don’t let the nickname fool you. Although 500 Days doesn’t take a lot of time each day, it is incredibly targeted and carefully designed by inspiration to help you achieve clarity and inner peace in this lifetime. You might even wake up to the true Self.
Learn More about 500 Days with NTI
Donations are always welcome. The vast majority of the services offered by Regina and Awakening Together are offered freely, yet it costs money for us to provide these services. We are able to do what we do, because of your donations. To donate, please click here or go to Donate on the menu above. Thank you very much for your continued support.